Cavendish Update 3/21/20: Weekend Report

She hunkers down. Norm Roosts by Jane Hart


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3/21/20: It’s the Weekend!

1. What’s Happened in the Last 24 Hours

2. Sanity Tip for the Day

3. Take a Break

4. Events


It’s Saturday and the amount of news you need to know about right now is slowing down. Much has been closed, reduced or cancelled in an effort to get the entire country into “hunker mode.” Yes Uncle Tony (Dr. Fauci) we’re doing what you told us and staying home and six feet apart.

Fortunately we live where we can walk in the woods and listen to the birds. Wonder if the song birds, bears and other animals are noticing that it’s not so noisy this spring? There’s less junk in the air and in general, good times in their world view.  

Unless there is something critical that happens today, no update tomorrow as I’m going to spend the weekend catching up on some needed housework. While you can’t see it, I can and it needs tending to.

A favor to ask. If you are keeping a journal, or are about to start one (highly recommend it), when this is over, can you donate a copy of it to the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS)?

I’ve been reading various CHS records about the town’s experiences during the war years. There are tips and tricks from 80 years ago that could help us today. It’s important to leave a legacy for future generations, as they too will deal with some version of this. Contrary to the shouting newscasters, “never before in the history….” Bull! The humans have been dealing with pandemics, natural disasters and worse since they first arrived.

Each of us has the responsibility to practice social distancing. If we all do it, we will significantly reduce the number of people who get sick. It’s up to each of us to be that difference so Show some heart and stay home or 6 feet apart. Want to understand why this works, read this article from Smithsonian Magazine.



• Request from Ludlow Ambulance Services: Stop hiking up Okemo Mountain and skiing down. Ski Patrol is no longer there and they don’t have the time or resources to collect your sorry ass if you fall and hurt yourself.

VT Legislature will return to the Statehouse Next Week to Pass Covid-19 measures. This will include legislation to expand unemployment benefits and aid health care providers.

• If you have a sewing machine and want to make masks, this is a good pattern. Now this is real throwback to the war years when there were lots of posters that said, “Do your bit and knit.”

• Highway rest areas are now closed. There ain’t a porta pottie to piss in.

• Vermont’s cases are increasing and sadly there is an outbreak of Covid-19 at Burlington Health & Rehab.

 To help those in quarantine or self-isolating, the Cavendish Covid-19 Team (CCT) now has a wonderful group of volunteers to help with everything from shopping, picking up prescriptions and even doing that transfer run. To arrange for assistance, call 226-7291 or 7292, Monday-Friday, 9-5.


2 .SANITY TIP FOR THE DAY: If you’ve never tried journaling, this is the perfect time to start. Lots of research shows that it will make you feel a lot better, and you have no idea if you share a copy with the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) how many people you’ll touch for generations to come. We still read Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD. Somewhere along the line somebody decided to dress up his journals and call them “Meditations.”

No special supplies. A notebook, paper, whatever you have handy. Use markers pens, whatever inspires and just write down, sketch, cut and paste, what’s going on in your life. For best results try to do it daily. Some like to start the day with it, others end with it or do it over lunch. Your call.


3. TAKE A BREAK: Coloring is a good way to relax. Meaning “circle,” in Tibetan Buddhism, a mandala is an imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation. Below are resources to help you get started.

Print Mandala:  Free Mandalas to print

• Create a virtual mandala

Mandalas Coloring pages

Google up patterns that you may enjoy. Lots and lots and lots of them to choose from.

4. UPCOMING EVENTS Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.

                      Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart. 

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.