Cavendish Update 10/9/20: Construction/long haulers/News
/Monday is Indigenous Peoples Day. Flag of Abenaki.
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1. Cavendish Info
2. Construction Update for 131
4. Covid-19 Update
5. Events
• Second Act: From CPA To Vermont Innkeeper: Nice article about the Golden Stage Inn, and Julie & Mike Woods. Well deserved. Travel Awaits
• Distracted driving awareness month kicks off as Vermont sees increase in road deaths: Featuring an interview with Cavendish’s Sharon Huntley, who continues to share the story of Spencer’s untimely death on Halloween 2011, so that others may be reminded to keep both hands on the wheel when driving.
• Volunteers Needed to Build a Labyrinth: Volunteers needed to help make a labyrinth behind Gethsemane Church on Depot Street. Oct. 10 & 11-Saturday 9-2pm and Sunday 9 -noon. Plan and materials supplied, bring a shovel. When it is finished it will be open to anyone in the community who would like to walk the paths.
• BRAT celebrates 20 years of cleaning the Black River: Celebrating the group’s 20th anniversary, the Black River Action Team chalks up another successful year of cleaning trash from the bed and banks of our local waterways. Dozens of volunteers worked at various locations over the course of several months in targeted cleanups of specific sites.
• HCRS offers same day access to meet mental health needs: Health Care and Rehabilitation Services has implemented an open access model for new clients, allowing the agency to offer same day access.
• State scrambling to issue new unemployment checks; computer info lacking
• Thanks to new business grants program, companies can get up to $300,000
2.CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 131: Installation of headwalls for drainage structures has been completed. Crews are installing any remaining catch basins (storm drains) throughout the project. There are new gravel crossings that have opened since the paving was completed. The traveling public should expect new areas of gravel crossings until the next round of paving is scheduled. One-way alternating traffic patterns should be expected in the vicinity of drainage and river bank restoration locations. Traffic control personnel will be onsite to assist with the flow of traffic . Minor delays should be expected.
3. COVID UPDATE : This past week has been a tumultuous one in terms of Covid-19. On Monday, VT experienced the highest one day total of new cases since June 3-33 cases. This spike was due to an outbreak in 28 apple pickers working at Champlain Orchards in Shoreham, Addison County. There were/are still in quarantine at the time of the outbreak. Consequently, the VT Dept. of Health (VDH) says this is a contained event.
In addition to President Trump and his wife, a growing number of people associated with the White House have tested positive for Covid. Note that steroids, which the President is taking, can make you feel invincible and euphoric. Covid is a big deal and highly contagious. While it will be years before we know the long term impacts of Covid, there are indications that a growing number of people have symptoms that continue long after diagnosis. See “Long Haulers” below.
Please follow the lead of the Vermont’s Governor and Health Commissioner. Wear your mask, social distance and frequently hand wash. You do not want this disease nor do you want to give it to someone else.
If you should become infected: With news stories like Cutting Edge Covid-19 Care for Trump Not Available for Regular Folks, Vermonters need to be aware that VDH goes well beyond testing and contact tracing to keep residents healthy. For those who test positive, VDH provides a Covid kit that includes a thermometer and a pulse oximeter. The latter device measures your oxygen levels, thereby helping to catch respiratory failure early. Sara Alert is used to help monitor those who are infected. In the event you need more advanced care, such as remdesivir, it is available in VT. Corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone and dexamethasone, are also readily available. If you should test positive, sign up for the VDH free services, access local resources such as food, masks etc. and stay home so you can heal and not infect others. If you need help in Cavendish, e-mail or call 802-226-7807. Masks (cloth and disposable) are free and available 24/7 at the CHS Cares Cabinet (next to the Museum on route 131).
Long haulers: Months after COVID infection, some people, possibly as many as 30%, are still dealing with fatigue, brain fog, trouble concentrating, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, lung damage, gastro distress and other symptoms, that can come and go, varying from patient to patient. Referred to as becoming a “long hauler, “ it is occurring across age groups and regardless of hospitalization, or pre-existing conditions. Getting a doctor to realize that your condition relates to COVID can be very challenging, particularly if you weren’t able to get a test at the time of the original illness. Recently VPR had a program on long haulers, which can be listened to on-line. University of Vermont Medical Center is working on this issue. Below are on-line resources to help you or someone you know:
• Long Haul COVID Fighters Round 2 (30 Days +): Private Facebook group for folks recovering from Covid who’ve been ill for 30 days or more.
• Long Haul COVID Fighters - Medical & Scientific Collaboration This closed group is a place where members of the medical and scientific communities may reach out to Long Haulers to participate in polls, surveys, research, and ask questions about long COVID recoveries. All posts are subject to Admin approval.
• Survivor Corps Facebook page
• Body Politic Covid 19 Support Group
Press Conferences
• There is a cluster of new cases in Bennington County associated with the Fall Foliage Golf tournament at Mount Anthony Country Club held the weekend of Sept. 19. According to Health Commissioner Mark Levine, "The bottom line is: whenever anyone is planning to go out or attend an event, take a moment to think about where you're going and assess your own level of risk and you're comfort with that level," It's important to know if you'll be able to maintain six-foot spacing, if everyone will indeed be wearing a mask."
• In response to the President’s Covid diagnosis, Levine noted “And it is a teachable moment, that's really all I can say, but again reinforces my message about [how] testing is not prevention. So embracing all of the preventive guidelines that we talk about many times each press conference is truly prevention.”
• An update on the state’s stockpile of PPE: 3.4 million pieces of PPE have been delivered, including hand sanitizer, masks, face shields, gloves, boot covers, thermometers, gowns, COVID-test kits, and more. They’ve gone to places ranging from child care centers to schools, polling places, and prisons. The plan is to continue to stockpile this gear to have a 60 day supply and a 60-day reserve. Officials say 83 ventilators have arrived in Vermont and the state has 45 on order.
• Summary of Sept. data: VT had a total of 132 cases, with an average test positivity of 0.17%. Average daily number in the hospital was 1.3 cases with an average daily ICU census of 0. There were no deaths in September.
• The data for surrounding states shows a seventh straight week increase in the number of COVID cases. This past week showed an increase of 7,875 more cases in Northeast over the previous week.
OCTOBER 11 (SUNDAY): From Smallpox to Covid-19: The Impact of Pandemics/Epidemics on the American Indigenous Peoples. Will be held at the Cavendish “Stone” Universalist Church on Main St. in Cavendish Village. Parking is available across the street at the Cavendish Baptist Church (2258 Main St.). Masks and social distancing required. FMI 226-7807 or
OCTOBER 10- 11 (FRIDAY-SATURDAY): Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts is holding a Fabric, Craft Supply, and Christmas Village Sale this weekend, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. each day. The Gift and Craft Shop will sell fabric, yarn, framing materials, and other art and craft supplies. The Corn Crib building will focus on Christmas Village collectibles, other decorative items, and some hand-crafted gifts. Masks and social distancing required.
OCTOBER 12 (MONDAY): Indigenous Peoples Day (formerly Columbus Day). Legal Holiday. Town Office Closed. Select Board Meeting postponed until next Monday. Learn more at Five Ideas for Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day. The Elnu Abenaki Tribe is based in southern VT.
OCTOBER 19 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board meeting will take place at 6:30 via Zoom.
OCTOBER 24 (SATURDAY): Drug Take Back Day from 10-2. Closest drop-off sites: Chester Police Department; 556 Elm St.; Weathersfield Transfer Station (operated by the Weathersfield Police Department); 5024 Vt. Rt. 106 in Perkinsville; Springfield Police Department; 201 Clinton St.; Ludlow Police Department; 19 West Hill Road. FMI: (802) 457-5211. PLEASE NOTE: The following having “drop boxes” that are available year round: Ludlow Police Dept., Ludlow Pharmacy; Chester Police Dept., Springfield Pharmacy, Green Mountain Pharmacy and Springfield Police Department.
NOVEMBER 30 (MONDAY): Deadline for the GMP Covid 19 assistance. FMI: Department of Public Service website.
Covers mouth & nose
Always masks in public
Vermonters keep each other safe
Elbow coughs
Never forgets to wash hands
Disinfects common surfaces
Is alert for symptoms
Stays 6 feet apart
Has respect for personal space