Cavendish Update: 3/8/19 Town Meeting/News/Events

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3/8/19 Cavendish Update

1. Town Meeting

2. Cavendish Related News

3. Stepping Stones: Alumni, Families & Friends 

4. Events


1. TOWN MEETING RESULTS: At Monday night's Town Meeting, attended by a little over 70 people, Representative Annmarie Christensen gave an update on road repair for routes 103 and 131. The contractor for both projects, Pike Industries, "botched" the job. Route 103 was to be completed by the fall of 2018 and 131 was to be patched and repaved to hold it over until it could be redone. Pike supposedly only had one road paver and removed it for a project in Maine, so no work was done from Aug-Oct. Once the machine was returned to our area, the weather became problematic. Pike has been fined and will be penalized for future projects in the state. As it stands, route 103 will be completed once the weather permits.

 The temporary fix for 131 will take place this summer, with the bid process and beginning construction for the full project slated for 2020. Note this has been moved up from its original projected start date of 2023. Part of the issue has been obtaining permission from Cavendish property owners for easements to make culvert and other repairs.

 All articles passed at the Cavendish Town Meeting-including tax waivers for the next five years for Fletcher Farm and the Black River Health Center. Also approved by a vote of 66 to 2 is the elimination of the office of Town Lister and replacing it with a professional lister.

 Australian Ballot: On March 5, 226 voters went to the polls in Cavendish. This is considered to be a light turn out. In the only contested race-3 year term for select board-long time selectman George Timko (85 votes) lost to Michael Kell (118 votes). 23 voters did not cast a ballot for this position. For the two positions for one year Selectman, Sandra Russo (163 votes) and Stuart Lindberg (152) won. Write-in votes were cast for Andrea Garcia (48) and Michael Fell (2). Janelle Wilfong received sufficient write-ins (12) to fill the vacancy for the five-year slot for Library Trustee.

Town elected positions for the coming year will be as follows:

Town Moderator (1 year): Michael Ripley

Selectman (1 year): Stuart Lindberg & Sandra Russo

Selectman (3 years): Michael Kell

Auditor (1 year): Peter LaBelle

Town Agent (1 year): Stuart Lindberg

Town Grand Juror (1 year): Theresa McNamara

Trustee of Public Funds (3 years): Dan Churchill

Library Trustee (5 years): Janielle Wilfong

GMUSD (3 years): Doug McBride

The positions of auditor for two and three year terms remain vacant.

The Green Mountain Unified School District (GMUSD) budget received sufficient yes votes from the towns of Baltimore, Chester, Cavendish and Chester to pass. The final vote was 423 to 353.


Beyond Cooking and Cleaning: Cavendish Teachers: As the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) continues to honor Cavendish women during Women's History Month, this week’s focus is on teachers. This post includes a Cavendish Schools Timeline. CHS Blog

Vote for Your Favorite CTES Logo: Cavendish Town Elementary School wants the public's input on the design of their new logo for the school's mascot The Patriots. Please "like" your favorite logo, which is available at the Cavendish VT Facebook page. You do not have to be a Facebook subscriber to access this site. However, if you aren't a Facebook subscriber, please e-mail your vote to Just list the name that appears in the comment section. Voting ends on Wed. March 13. The students have already voted for their favorite and now it’s the community's turn.

Fletcher Farm Foundation Welcome new President George Thomson: The Fletcher Farm Foundation would like to welcome George Thomson as its new president. Thomson, well-known among locals for his successful education career in Cavendish, is a longstanding member and trustee of the Fletcher Farm Foundation –most recently serving as a committee chairman and vice president. VT Journal

More than 72,000 possibly affected by Rutland Regional Medical Center data breach: An investigation into a data breach that took place at Rutland Regional Medical Center in recent months found that information pertaining to 72,224 patients may have been stolen as well as almost 4,000 Social Security numbers. Officials at the health care system don’t know what, if any, specific information was actually accessed, viewed or acquired but the email accounts affected included, among other items, data files containing the types of demographic information used for health care billing such as patient names, contact information and medical record numbers. Rutland Herald


3. STEPPING STONES: ALUMNI, FAMILIES & FRIENDS: The demand for high quality early care and learning is increasing. Yet availability is limited. Stepping Stones Preschool is rising to the challenge, but needs your help. Stepping Stones plans to expand and reconfigure its existing space and staff to accommodate the growing need facing families with young children. They already have a waiting list!

 To date Stepping Stones has been awarded a $20,000 Vermont Birth to 5 Expansion Grant and has the offer of a $5,000 matching grant from GS Adams Transport LLC.

 The goal is to raise an additional $15,000. With the support of everyone who knows and loves Stepping Stones we can do it!!!

 A $20 donation (or more) by Stepping Stones alumni, families, and friends will achieve this goal. Visit us on Facebook, Go Fund Me, or send checks to Stepping Stones Preschool 3628 Rte 103 Proctorsville, VT 05153


MARCH 8 (FRIDAY): International Women’s Day

MARCH 10 (SUNDAY): Daylight savings time begins. Set clocks ahead one hour and check batteries in smoke detectors and other devices.

MARCH 11 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board Meeting 6:30 pm Cavendish Town Office.

MARCH 27 (WEDNESDAY): Public Notice of Sale, Town of Cavendish. The property to be sold is 723 Main Street, Cavendish Vermont, formally owned by Melisa K. Rhoda, Trustee of the Nancy K. Horahan Revocable Trust. This will be sold at public auction on March 27, at 1:00 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. Minimum reserve price is $45,000.

MARCH 31 (SUNDAY): Cavendish Historical Society Annual Meeting, 4 pm at the Cavendish Baptist Church. As part of the this event, the film “Alone in the Wilderness” will be shown. This is free and open to the public. FMI: 802-226-7807 or

MAY 14 (TUESDAY): Cavendish Connections Tech Cafe, 6-8 pm at the Cavendish Town Library in Proctorsville. Bring your smart phone, laptop, tablet (iPad) to learn how to use them as well as how to use Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. This will be free and open to the Cavendish community.

SEPTEMBER 14 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival. 10-4 Part craft fair, part food festival, the VT Golden Honey Festival is a community favorite. Located on the lawn of the Golden Stage Inn, 399 Depot St. in Proctorsville. Proceeds of this event will benefit VT Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth (Ludlow and Proctorsville. For vendor and other information: or 802-226-7744 (Julie).

For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.