Cavendish Update 11/22/19: SB mtg/TDS/News/Events
/Annual 6th Grade Pumpkin Pie Sale today, Nov. 22 from 3:30-7 at Singleton’s.
Please note that the Cavendish Cemeteries are now closed until spring.
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11/22/19 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting/Town Plan
2. TDS Update
3. Cavendish Related news
4. Do not plug space heaters into power strips
5. Events
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING/TOWN PLAN 11/12/19: Prior to the monthly select board (SB) meeting, a hearing was held regarding the revised town plan. The SB approved the Town Plan as presented. The unapproved minutes from this hearing are available at the Town website.
Cavendish SB Meetings are videotaped by Okemo Valley TV and are available at their website. In addition, minutes are available at the Cavendish Municipal website.
The struggle between Tierney Rd residents over a proposed less than an acre quarry at the end of the road, dominated this meeting. Property owners Bruce and Linda Watson appealed to the state to have their property taxes lowered due to the pending quarry. The State of Vermont Hearing Officer’s Decision dated October 24, 2019 ruled in favor of the Watsons and reduced the assessed value of their property from $498,800 to $449,000f for the grand list year 2018.
On Nov. 14, two days after the SB meeting, the Cavendish Board of Civil Authorities met to discuss whether the town should appeal this decision. Diane McNamara, Town Clerk and treasurer, noted that, upon reviewing the Decision, there were items that raised some questions and that she feels an appeal should be pursued if for no other reason than to have an accurate record. The SB will meet on Monday, Nov. 25 at 5;30 in the town office to consider action regarding recommendation from the Board of Civil Authority as it pertains to the Vermont Department of Property Valuation Review dated October 24th 2019, Watson V. Town of Cavendish.
To learn more about this, read The Vermont Journal article, Tierney Road proposed quarry dominates Cavendish Select board meeting as well as the unapproved minutes from the Nov. 14 Board of Civil Authority meeting.
Additional actions were taken/discussed at the November meeting:
• The SB approved the following
- 2019-2020 Green Mountain Snow Fleas Snowmobile Club maps and road crossings;
- FY19-20 Municipal Wastewater budget as proposed- Base rate increased from $90.92 to $96.25 per quarter. Overage per 1,000 gallons in excess of 10,000 gallons increased from $1.85 to $2.85 per thousand gallons. Flat rate $93.42 per quarter rose to $101.25 and inactive units went from $29 to $35 per quarter.
- Appointment of Jeffery Davis to the Prudential committee for Fire District #2 until the next election; and
- Agreed not to opt out of the State’s Opioid Litigation
• Town manager, Brendan McNamara informed the board that the construction on the Depot Street bridge has been shut down for the winter as railings couldn’t be installed due to falling temperatures. The bridge is open to foot traffic.
• McNamara provided speed study results on Tierney Rd, where citizens want a 25 MPH speed limit. The Regional Planning Commission left the equipment in place over a ten-day period on the lower part of Tierney Road between the Watson and Glidden properties. The average vehicle speed was 21.8 m.p.h. The Board will make a decision about lowering the speed limit at the Dec. meeting.
2. TDS UPDATE: The good news is that the Internet service has been upgraded on Twenty Mile Stream. In order to take full advantage of 25/3 speeds, those in that area need to call TDS 866-571-6662 to arrange for the upgrade. Several other areas of town-Cavendish Gulf Rd, Center Rd and Chubb Hill-will most likely not see improvements until after the first of the year, and depending on winter weather, it may not be until the spring. Note that if you are a TDS customer served by other junction boxes, such as Proctorsville, and are not getting the speeds you think you should, contact TDS. TDS has been upgrading the system in our area thanks to a federal grant.
BRGNS holiday basket program: Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow helps those who need a helping hand each year with food and children’s toys through the holiday basket program. In order to receive a holiday basket, an individual or family must first fill out an application. If you or someone you know needs assistance this season, please call Krey or Audrey at 802-228-3663. Applications are available at the food shelf and thrift store, 37B Main Street in Ludlow, and online.
GMUSD Finance Panel Urges Public Participation: If you live in the Green Mountain Unified School District, the Finance Committee of the Green Mountain District Board wants you. Noting that in past budget cycles, budget committees have recruited the public to become members and bring different perspectives to the table, committee chair Deb Brown of Chester asked the nine members present from the 11 member panel if they wanted to do that again. Instead the board decided to urge the public to attend its meetings. Member Kate Lamphere of Cavendish said she would “rather have a packed house of community members than one or two token members on the committee.” The next meeting of the GMUSD Finance Committee is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25 at the Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main St., Chester. The committee urges the public to attend. Chester Telegraph
Ludlow Approves Purchase of Black River building in non-binding vote: The Ludlow Select board, along with Municipal Manager Scott Murphy, held the public hearing to discuss and vote on the purchase of the Black River Middle High School building. Although the town residents had anticipated that their vote would determine whether the Select board could purchase the building, an opening statement from Murphy informed the crowd that based on newly received information, the town vote would be non-binding, meaning that the Select board could purchase the building with or without public approval. Vermont Journal
4. DO NOT PLUG SPACE HEATERS INTO POWER STRIPS: Dropping temperatures encourage many to break out the space heater. If you use one, do not plug it into an extension cord or a power strip. Doing so is a fire hazard. Power strips and extension cords are not equipped to handle the extra current flow needed to power a space heater and can overheat and even catch fire. A space heater should only be plugged directly into the wall, and always keep an eye on it when it's in use.
NOVEMBER 21 (FRIDAY): CTES 6th grade pumpkin pie sale, 3:30-7 pm at Singleton’s.
NOVEMBER 23 (SATURDAY): Holy Name of Mary Altar Society will hold a Holiday Fair from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the Church Hall, 803 Main Street in Proctorsville, VT. Featured will be a Cookie Walk, baked goods, jams, handmade gifts, Christmas items, and much more.
NOVEMBER 25 (MONDAY): Special Select Board meeting, 5:30 pm Cavendish Town Office.
NOVEMBER 27-29 (WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY): Schools closed for Thanksgiving break.
NOVEMBER 28 (THURSDAY): Happy Thanksgiving
NOVEMBER 28-29 (THURSDAY-FRIDAY): Town Office closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
DECEMBER 7-8 (SATURDAY-SUNDAY): Indulgence Tour. Taste your way through Okemo Valley of Vermont. A dozen country inns inn-vite you inn-side to enjoy their holiday decorations and their inn-dulgent treats from noon til 5 each day. Savory pies, homemade soups, decadent chocolate cake, and more! $15 per person in advance (until Nov 27), then $20 per person. FMI: Julie at Golden Stage Inn 802-226-7744
• Christmas Tree Sale at Proctorsville Fire Dept. 9-4
DECEMBER 14 (SATURDAY): Christmas Tree Sale at Proctorsville Fire Dept. 9-4, Santa arrives at 10 with free coffee and homemade doughnuts!
DECEMBER 15 (SUNDAY): Christmas Tree Sale at Proctorsville Fire Dept. 9-4
DECEMBER 21 (SATURDAY): Winter Solstice
DECEMBER 24 (TUESDAY); Christmas Eve
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.