Cavendish Update: 10/4/19 News/Events

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10/4/19 Cavendish Update

1. Cavendish Related news

2. Indigenous Peoples Day at the CHS Museum

3. CTES Calendar Prizes-6th grade fundraiser

4. Events



TDS Update: New information has recently been received from TDS about when upgrades will be completed in Cavendish. Upgraded and operational service should be available in Proctorsville and Twenty Mile Stream locations by the end of October. It is hoped that the remainder of the town will have the full upgraded service by Dec. 31, 2019.

GMUSD Finance Committee Meeting: The Green Mountain Unified School District (GMUSD) board decided to meet 50 days in advance of last year to allow more time to develop the budget, which is due mid-January. The entire board is acting as the Finance Committee. This action was taken due to overspending by the district and by the Two Rivers Supervisory Union (TRUS) combined with a short budget process. At the Sept. 25 meeting, they decided to table the executive season on pending law suits until their regularly scheduled meeting on Oct. 17. It was decided that members would work on the board/administration relationship, data and outcomes and fiscal responsibility, while they would direct the administration to put a budgetary emphasis on basic skills (including early literacy), elementary world language and a STEAM ( science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) program.  For more information on this meeting, see The Chester Telegraph and the Vermont Journal

CHS October Briefs: The Cavendish Historical Society’s (CHS) October Briefs is now available at their website. This post contains upcoming events as well as ongoing activities.

Rutland Holiday Inn Closed: Due to a fire, which damaged the hotel’s boiler, Rutland has ordered the Holiday Inn to close. NBC 5


2. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY AT THE CHS MUSEUM: In May 2019, Vermont became the third state in the country to officially change the second Tuesday of October from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. Per the law, the establishment of this holiday “will aid in the cultural development of Vermont’s recognized tribes, while enabling all indigenous peoples in Vermont and elsewhere to move forward and formulate positive outcomes from the history of colonization.” 

Cavendish’s history began more than 11,000 years ago with the first people who utilized the land for fishing, hunting and traveling the Black River.

On Oct. 13 (Sunday), at 2 pm at the Museum, 1958 Main St. Cavendish, the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) will offer an Indigenous Peoples Day workshop. Presented in two parts, it will begin with a history of the first peoples in the Okemo Valley and will be followed by a “hands on activity” - make your own “Talking Stick.”

The “Talking Stick” is an ancient tradition known in many cultures including Native American, Aboriginal Australian and African. Used to facilitate communication and listening, the person holding the Stick has the right to speak, while those in attendance must listen quietly and respectfully. It should be noted that some cultures prefer other objects (e.g. eagle feather or sacred shell) in place of a stick, but the purpose is the same.

Over the years, schools, businesses, families and even couples have adopted the Talking Stick concept. It is a way to stop the practice of “talking over” and actively listening to a speaker. Ultimately, this makes a more mindful speaker and listener, and leads to the understanding that a conversation is not just talking, it’s also thinking and listening.

Columbus Day has been a day or mourning for Native Americans. Indigenous Peoples Day offers an opportunity to begin a new conversation, one where the spirit of the Talking Stick guides us to listen as well as speak, so that healing and building together can take place.

The Indigenous Day workshop is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail

3. CTES CALENDAR PRIZES - 6TH GRADE FUNDRAISER: Each year, Cavendish Town Elementary School’s (CTES) 6th grade goes to Keewaydin Camp for a week. For many, this will be remembered as the highlight of their time at CTES. Each year, the students fundraise to make this experience possible for all of the students as well to help with expenses for other 6th grade activities.

This year, the 6th grade is holding a unique calendar fundraiser. For every day in November, there will be a drawing for a prize. Thanks to the Boxer family, there is an October 31st prize for Halloween. Fridays are “fifty dollar day,” where you can receive a minimum of $50 cash (donors Cavendish Volunteer Fire Department; Fitzgerald, Property Services; Cavendish Roofing and Carpentry; Teaselwood; and Huntly Financial Services). Gift certificates for goods, services and cash have been donated by Au Jus, duJour VT, LaValley, Singletons, Lisai’s, Shaw’s, Neal’s, Calm Moments Massage, Castle Pointe Hotel, Salon 2000, Ludlow Pizza, Aubuchon’s, Murdock’s, Applebees, DJ’s, BJs, Proctorsville Fire Dept, Endless Creations Pottery, and Reading Greenhouse. Other donations include two opportunities for a lottery bundle from the Marks Family and the Harper Family. Snow Fleas have donated a sweatshirt and two gift certificates from Chef Mei.

 The cost of a ticket is $10. Students will be selling tickets outside of Singletons on Friday, Oct. 11 from 4-7. You can purchase them from a 6th grader, or you can send a check, payable to CTES-6th grade-via a student or mail it to CTES-6TH Grade, PO Box 236, Proctorsville VT 05153



OCTOBER 6 (SUNDAY): Paint & Munch benefit at the Cavendish Library. $35 per person. Menu includes: Sweet potato guacamole bites; Apple, Cheese and Cracker Board; Pumpkin Pie cupcakes; Chocolate/peanut butter snack mix; Goat Cheese pesto tartlets; Cranberry Meatballs; Roasted Veggie Platter, cider, soda, tea, coffee and water. FMI: 226-7503

OCTOBER 11 (FRIDAY): 6th Grade selling November Calendar Raffle tickets in front of Singleton’s from 4-7 pm. Tickets are $10 a piece and there are 31 chances to win a wide variety of prizes including cash and gift certificates for goods and services.

OCTOBER 13 (SUNDAY): Indigenous Peoples Day workshop at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum, 1958 Main St. Cavendish, at 2 pm. Presented in two parts, it will begin with a history of the first peoples in the Okemo Valley and will be followed by a “hands on activity” - make your own “Talking Stick.” This is free and open to the public. FMI: or 802-226-7807.

OCTOBER 14 (MONDAY): Indigenous Peoples Day. Legal holiday schools and town office closed.

NOVEMBER 14 (THURSDAY): Cavendish Button Up Workshop, 6 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. Ready to stop burning money? Weatherizing your home is often one of the best financial investments you can make. This workshop will help get you started. Whether you’re new to weatherization or have detailed questions about your next project, energy experts from Efficiency Vermont will provide guidance and answer your questions and talk through the new incentive to cover half of your project costs (up to $4000). You’ll also be able to set up a free home energy visit to discuss your best opportunities to make your home healthier and more comfortable. FMI: or 802-226-7820

DECEMBER 7-8 (SATURDAY-SUNDAY): Indulgence Tour. Taste your way through Okemo Valley of Vermont. A dozen country inns inn-vite you inn-side to enjoy their holiday decorations and their inn-dulgent treats from noon til 5 each day. Savory pies, homemade soups, decadent chocolate cake, and more! $15 per person in advance (until Nov 27), then $20 per person. FMI: Julie at Golden Stage Inn 802-226-7744

 For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.