Christmas Trees/Wreaths/Greenery: Real trees, wreaths and greenery are biodegradable, which means that can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes. Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Pines, firs and other evergreens have a high content of flammable turpentine oils.  Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and risk a chimney fire.

 After you've removed the tinsel, lights and decorations consider the following:

• Take it to the Cavendish Transfer Station during normal business hours.

 • Cut it up for mulch in your garden or a neighbors.

 • Set it up for the birds. Spread small branches with margarine or peanut butter and dip in birdseed.

 • Even if you live on a small property, you can place your old Christmas tree at the edge of your yard. This makes a small wintertime wildlife habitat for rabbits, birds, and squirrels. Some may even build their nests in the pine boughs!

 • Cut up and save for an outdoor fire pit. Never use for indoor fires.

 • Make a sachet with the tree’s needles and store in various rooms in your house that could use a Christmas pick me up.

 • Large branches have a natural curve. Because of this, they can be stacked to save perennial flowers including, but not limited to, rose roots and berries. This will help protect these tender plants during this winter's icy storms! Can also use them for indoor plants.

 • Cut off boughs and lay them over perennial beds to protect them from snow and reduce frost heaving.

What goes in the Recycling Compactor

• Non metallic wrapping paper-a little tape is okay but not the ribbons and bows

• Cardboard boxes (remove Styrofoam). Please take a minute and break them down so they’ll fit better in the compactor

• Plain Christmas cards


What Needs to Go in the Trash

• Ribbons, bows, twine and anything that’s long and stringy.

• Shiny Christmas cards printed on photo paper; those with metallic embossing, glitter

• Metallic, glitter, velvety flocking wrapping paper

• Styrofoam


Can be recycled just not in the compactor

Plastic bags: The following plastic bag items can be recycled at various local stores- grocery bags, bread bags, case overwrap, dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, ice bags, wood pellet bags, Ziploc & other re-sealable bags, produce bags, bubble wrap, salt bags, and cereal bags. All materials must be clean, dry and free of food residue. The following local stores participate in the Trex recycling program: Market Basket, Hannaford, Price Chopper, Shaw’s, Target, and Whole Foods.

Compost: Look for the special compost bin near the trash compactor

Electronics, Batteries, Lights: Electronics Shed

Styrofoam Peanuts: Please have them securely sealed in a container so they don’t blow around. Give them to the attendant who will recycle them locally.


Learn more about the Cavendish Transfer Station