Cavendish Update 9/22/17 Town Garage/News/Events
/Today is the first day of fall.
Today’s Cavendish Update and coverage of the Select Board meeting was made possible by Mary Jane & Glimmerstone Mansion and the Cavendish Green Mountain Snow Fleas. Thank you for your support.
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9/22/17 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting 9/19/17
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Events
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 9/19/17: The special Select Board (SB) meeting was not recorded by LPCTV. Written minutes will be available at the town’s website. The purpose of the meeting was to continue the discussion on the location of the town garage. Members of the SB, two former town managers-Rolf van Schaik and Rich Svec, along with Cavendish resident and landscape architect Stephen Plunkard, the engineering firm Cavendish uses Weston & Sampson, town manager Brendan McNamara and assistant town manager Bruce McEnaney have spent the last week evaluating two sites for the future of the town garage-the village site, which was torn down in August, and the upper sandpit across from the town’s wastewater treatment plant off of Route 131. All of those involved agreed that:
• Whatever site is selected, it will be the location of the town garage for generations to come and therefore multiple options must be considered.
• Neither site is ideal
• The existing village site provides little to no room for expansion and the proposed modular steel building would not fit with the more historical aspects of the village, impacting esthetics and potential worth of surrounding property.
• The sandpit site would require more site modifications, including locating sand to lower pit. However, this option does provide room to grow. It is also feasible that by digging into the bank, a lot more room could be made quickly available. In addition, the extracted material could easily be sold.
• Both projects can be brought in at or under the $400,000 maximum that voters are being asked to approve on Sept. 26. The sandpit option would be the more expensive as additional site prep and paving would be needed. There are additional town paving funds that could be used for the sandpit location.
• The village site has the better shot at being ready for occupancy by Nov. 15. However, it is recognized that because of the various holdups with insurance etc., it’s a late start for getting the building completed, regardless of location.
The board and members of the audience appeared to be favoring the sandpit site. However the SB will not make its decision about the final location of the garage until after the boring test results are in. These tests will be done at both sites on Friday, Sept. 22.
An informational meeting will take place on Sept. 25, 7 pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary School (CTES) in Cavendish. Australian Ballots will be cast on Tuesday, Sept. 26 from 10-7 at CTES’s Art’s Room. For more information, contact the town office 802-226-7292.
For the full report, please see The Dish.
CTES School Board Member Needed: The Cavendish Town Elementary School Board seeks a Cavendish Town resident interested in serving as a member of our local school board. The term of this position will be until Town Meeting Election Day held on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. The Board meets regularly, the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. and others as necessary. Members may fulfill additional responsibilities including, but not limited to, board committee and possible service on the Two Rivers Supervisory Union Board.
Please submit a letter of interest to the Two Rivers Supervisory Union in care of: Meg Alison Powden, TRSU Superintendent of Schools, 609 VT Route 103 South, Ludlow, Vermont 05149
RiverSweep-From tires to tin cans, flip-flops to fast food cups, the Black River Action Team hauled it all. Recently the group conducted their 18th Annual RiverSweep, a large-scale cleanup of the bed and banks of the Black River and areas that lead to the water. Whether diving for tires mid-stream or wrangling weed-bound junk on shore, the intrepid BRATs kept bringing the action. Sixteen students from Cavendish Elementary School and a handful of adults (including the town manager) ventured out a couple of days after the official Sweep to collect trash from a stretch of the river near their school, netting six bags of trash, a very rusty folding chair, and a variety of sports balls.
VT Wildlife Biologists Seek Help Spotting Snakes: Biologists are asking for your help to track the state's snake population. They want people to snap photos of any snakes they see and send the pictures to the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas. This is the time of the year when snakes begin to move toward their winter denning sites. Wildlife experts say you can typically find the reptiles on quiet back roads and in dry rocky hardwood forests. If you see any snakes, click here to report them.
SEPTEMBER 22 (FRIDAY): Cavendish Historical Society trip to hear Dr. Goodby’s talk, “Digging Into Native History in New Hampshire” at the Walpole Town Hall, 7 pm. If interested in attending, and wanting to carpool, call 802-226-7807 or e-mail
SEPTEMBER 21-23 (FRIDAY-SUNDAY): Black River Good Neighbor Rummage Sale, Fletcher Farm off Route 103 on the Cavendish/Ludlow border.
SEPTEMBER 25 (MONDAY): Informational meeting regarding the bond vote on Sept. 26 to spend up to $400,000 to replace the town garage. The meeting will take place at 7 pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary school.
SEPTEMBER 26 (TUESDAY): Town voting 10-7 pm regarding the replacement of the Cavendish Garage at the Cavendish Town Elementary School Arts Rooms
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.