Cavendish Update 3/31/17 News/CCF Grant/Events
/Rich Svec during Irene Recovery.
This Sunday is the retirement/thank you party for Rich Svec, 3-5 pm at Murdock’s on the Green (Proctorsville). Everyone is invited.
3/21/17 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Community Fund Accepting Grant Applications
3. Events
McBride, Merin and Pollard Running for Green Mountain Union District: On March 21, the State Board of Education approved the Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee Report. On May 2, the town will vote whether we wish to be part of the Green Mountain Unified School District (GMUSD), which would include Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, and Chester; and to vote for three candidates who would serve on the unified school board-there would no longer be a GM or CTES school board. To that end, Doug McBride and Fred Merin, both on the CTES board and Bruce Pollard, GM school board, are running for the new GMUSD board. Note that while the proposed plan has Cavendish students continuing to go to CTES and GM, there would be a change in that the school property would be transferred to the GMUSD. Learn more about ACT 46, by going to the Twin River Supervisory Union’s website or stopping by the Town Office and picking up a copy of “Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee Report.” The issue of Act 46 was discussed at length at Town Meeting. See the Dish for more information.
• Music Rings Out Again in Cavendish Village: In 1976, a carillon system was installed in the Cavendish Baptist Church steeple to ring out music in memory of Chadwich James Stockman. After a few lightning strikes over the years, a new system was needed. Thanks to the ingenuity of Peter Kelleher, a new set up is now in place and is much less likely to attract lightening. If you're in the village area, you'll be able to hear the music at 9:00, noon and 3:00 on weekdays and at noon and 3:00 on weekends. Watch the video
• Coolidge Solar Project Approved: State regulators have approved a massive Windsor County solar array that will be four times the size of any such project built in Vermont so far. The Coolidge Solar project, to be built in Ludlow and Cavendish, will be capable of producing 20 megawatts of power. The largest existing array in Vermont is just under 5 megawatts, according to state officials. In granting a certificate of public good, the board wrote that Coolidge Solar “will result in significant economic and environmental benefits for the state of Vermont.” “Furthermore, the evidence presented in this docket has convinced us that the proposed project can be constructed without undue adverse impacts on Vermont’s natural and built environment and without presenting a risk to health and safety,” board members wrote. Coolidge Solar power will be going out of state. Even though Green Mountain Power won’t be buying the array’s electricity, Coolidge Solar still will be using Vermont infrastructure. So the project’s state approval is contingent on the developer’s filing a final system impact study and allowing four weeks for its review by interested parties. VT Digger
• Impact of Proposed Budget Cuts on Meals on Wheels: According to the advocacy organization, Agewell Vermont, "70% of our Meals on Wheels funding comes from federal dollars through the older Americans Act, which clearly could put us at risk, should future cuts come to fruition." WCAX
• Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten After School Programs Across VT: The Trump administration wants to cut $9.2 billion, or 13.5 percent, from the Education Department’s budget. If Congress approves the cuts, after-school programs that help thousands of Vermont children would take a big hit. These are programs that offer supervision, tutoring and in some cases meals before and after school and during the summer. VPR
• House Votes 138-0 in Favor of New Tax Bill: The Vermont House has given its unanimous support to a tax bill that raises roughly $5 million in new revenue by implementing stronger enforcement efforts and without raising any existing taxes or fees. The bill also managed to accomplish Gov. Phil Scott's goal to balance next year's state budget without increasing any taxes or fees. The bill should raise additional money by stricter enforcement of a state law the requires consumers to pay the sales tax for online purchases. An agreement with internet sales giant Amazon to collect Vermont's sales tax will also yield the state around $8 million next year. VPR
• Take Down Bird Feeders on April 1: Vermont Fish and Wildlife recommends taking down all bird feeders by April 1. Warm spring weather and melting snow means bears will becoming out of their winter dens in search of food. The bears like suet and birdseed, particularly black oil sunflower seeds, officials said. Other sources of food that will attract the bears are pet food, barbecue grills, and garbage. Purposely feeding bears is illegal. Residents are advised to keep chicks and honeybees secure with an electric fence or other bear-proof measures, feed pets indoors, and store trash in a secure trash.
2. CAVENDISH COMMUNITY FUND ACCEPTING GRANT APPLICATIONS: The Cavendish Community Fund is now accepting grant applications for spring 2017 grant awards. The deadline for applying is May 19th. Applications that miss that date will be considered in the fall.
This is the tenth year in which the Fund has provided support for educational, artistic, or cultural programs, projects, or events that benefit the Cavendish community in some way. The Fund has helped finance plays, workshops, and classroom events. It has contributed to the renovation of library and classroom spaces for better learning environments. It helped the tropical Storm Irene recovery by supporting a fund raising concert. It helped clean gravestones, dig for archeological artifacts, conduct open studios, show films, coordinate summer concerts, organize health training, and more.
Last year the Fund made two grants. The first went for durable equipment to be used in STEM programming for local elementary school students through the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library. The second was paid to the Cavendish Community Theater for a holiday production of “It’s About Believing”, which was performed at the Gethsemane Church in Proctorsville. The grant covered direction, music, advertising, props and refreshments.
Grants are available for projects, programs or events that directly benefit the Cavendish community in some way. A panel of local citizens reviews the applications and recommends awards based on the quality and feasibility of each proposal. The number of grants and the amount of each depend on how many applications are received.
Application guidelines are available at the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association’s website under the Community Fund tab. Hardcopies are also available at Crow’s Bakery in Proctorsville and at the Cavendish town office.
For further information on applying, on eligibility or on any other aspect of the grant program, or for help completing the application, please call Barbara Dickey at 226-7187 or Peter LaBelle at 226-7250.
APRIL 1 (SATURDAY): Maple Supper at Cavendish Baptist Church, 5:30-7L00 pm
APRIL 2 (SUNDAY): Thank you/Ret9rement Party for Rich Svec, 3-5 pm Murdock’s on the Green (Proctorsvillle). Community invited.
APRIL 4 (TUESDAY): Community Luncheon, noon, Gethsemane Church
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.