SB Meeting 12/11/17

Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by Okemo Valley TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television.  Written minutes are available at the town’s website. The following action was discussed/taken at Monday night’s meeting:

1. Telecommunications: Residents need to be aware that the telecommunications funding received by Comcast from the state will only impact the most under served part of Cavendish-Tarbell Hill and Knapp Pond area. Comcast is willing to expand their services but it will require a “contribution” for those areas that have fewer that 13 E-911 addresses (individual structures) per mile. The fewer the E-911 addresses the higher the cost that needs to be absorbed by the consumer. The SB/Town Office has been asked whether property owners with multiple structures on their property would experience a tax increase if they were to seek additional E-911 addresses. Town manager Brenan McNamara will check with the listers and the town’s E-911 coordinator.

2. Rodent Problem: There is a problem with rats on Main Street, which are believed to be from one residence. The town’s health officer, Doris Eddy, will be site visiting the area along with Brendan McNamara. Action will be required by the SB depending on findings but it appears the town’s “junk yard ordinance” will be applicable in this situation.

3. Cavendish Road Erosion Report: Representatives from the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission provided a report to the SB on the condition of the town’s 590 culverts and 14 bridges. Five percent of the culverts were found to be in poor condition and there are sections of ditching and other erosion control measures that require replacement. This is a long term project, as there are 15-20 segments of the town that will require significant upgrades.

4. External Appropriations: Various community groups presented funding requests to the town as budget planning is underway. Those requesting funds include: Black River Good Neighbor; RSVP; Winsor County Youth Service; Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice; SEVCA; The Current; Okemo Valley TV; Council on Aging; Black River Senior Center and the Cavendish Historical Society.

5. Aeration System: The SB approved Step 2 Engineering Services Agreement from Weston & Sampson for the Waste Water Treatment Plant’s Aeration System Improvement. Work will be begin in June.

6. Sewer Budget: Approved the budget that was provided to the board at the November SB meeting. The biggest increase was for personnel. 

Also discussed was the need for an overhaul of the water meters as some aren’t working or not being used at all. The preference is to use a digital meter, which allows for meter reading outside the building. This is being tested at Mack Molding. It will take a number of years to replace all the meters, however, the town is loosing money with some of the “flat rate” customers. Plan to replace 5-7 meters year, which should pay for itself by more accurate accountability of costs being assessed for actual use. The new billing rate will be as follows:

• Base rate-up to 10,000 gallons $89.16. For every 1,000 gallon over 10,000, the cost will be $1.85 per 1,000.

• Inactive accounts will be $116 annually

• Non metered flat rate $91.66

7. SB Resignation: Jill Flinn’s resignation from the Select Board was accepted with regret. She will remain Animal Control Officer. Ashley Rose has expressed interest in also helping with animal control. Brendan McNamara will be following up with her.

8. Town Garage: The SB  approved the location to the sand pit area. Boring tests indicated that the sand pit location is ideal for constructing the new building, while the current location was found to have a problem with the right rear portion with the ground having insufficient fill. An Act 250 permit is not required. Permitting and other activities are underway so that construction can begin as soon as possible in the spring.

9. E-waste Building: The new building for E-Waste is now in place at the transfer station and will soon be ready to receive electronics, batteries and related items.