Cavendish Select Board Agenda 9/12/16

Select Board Meeting, Monday, September 12th, 2016 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room at 6:30 pm

................................................................ AGENDA ................................................................

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Continue public hearing on the adoption of the Cavendish Flood Hazard Area Regulations (FHAR) update. The draft of the FHARs update were reviewed by the Board of Selectmen with the Chair of the Cavendish Planning Commission on May 23rd and with John Broker-Campbell, Flood Plain Manager for Southern Vermont, on June 28th and were also discussed at Select Board meetings on October 13th & November 9th, 2015 and May 9th, June 13th & July 11th, 2016. The Public Hearing was initiated on August 15th and recessed until September 12th.

3. Review/approve minutes of the meetings of August 15th, August 29th and September 1st, 2016

4. Sign Orders

5. Review Correspondence

6. Adjust agenda

7. Hear Citizens

8. Update on the VTrans railroad bank stabilization project on Cavendish Gulf Road [Vtrans Cavendish RREW12K] which is in progress

9. Update on the status of conveyance of town parcel #1R06-059 on Heald Road

10. Progress report on the fee schedule changes and activities at the Cavendish Transfer Station

11. Town Manager to discuss a minor (favorable) change in the FY 2017 Cavendish Municipal Wastewater System rate schedule for approval

12. Update on the work plan for hiring of a new town manager

13. Review of proposed Policy on Objects Placed in the Town Highway Right-of-way

14. Discuss the idea of a noise ordinance

15. Updates on other town activities

16. Other business