Cavendish Update 3/4/16 Town Meeting Results/Act 46/Events

Happy 225th Vermont!

Happy 225th Vermont!

3/4/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Town Meeting Results
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Happy 225th Birthday Vermont
4. Act 46 Focus Forum at CTES
5. Sugar on Snow Supper
6. Events
All articles of the Annual Town Meeting (page 10 of the Town Report) and School Meeting were approved. Citizen Service Awards were given to Ginny Garrow for her 20 years of work at the Town Office and Will Hunter, who has been an active member of the Cavendish community for many years. This was his last meeting as Town and School Moderator. There was considerable discussion during the school portion about Act 46, nursing, and the lack of handicap parking during the day for those wishing to use the community library. A report on Town Meeting is available at The Dish.
The results of Cavendish's Australian ballot are as follows: CTES budget passed (301/98); GMUHS (1,027/561); River Valley (Cavendish passed it but requires approval from multiple towns). Julie Gignoux was the write in for the Library Board. Sanders was the Democratic choice for President (Sanders 250, Clinton 29), while the Republican choice was Trump (57) Kasich (36), Rubio (21), Cruz (17). There was insufficient write ins for either town moderator or school moderator.  All other candidates were elected as they were running unopposed and there were insufficient write ins to challenge them.
Wind Storm Knocks Out Power in Cavendish: With winds up to 85 miles an hour on Monday night, March came in like a lion, leaving a number of homes without power on Tuesday March 1. At one point, while a transformer was replaced on Mill Street, Cavendish village, including the town office, was without power. Fortunately, this did not impact the school and voting. Power was restored to the entire town before nightfall.
CHS Newsletter: The Winter 2016 edition of the Cavendish Historical Society newsletter-Scribbler II is now available on-line at the CHS blog. Those desiring a print version of the newsletter should e-mail or call 802-226-7807.  
BRGNS Celebrates Five Years: The staff and volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services, Inc. invite you to join them at the BRGNS Thrift Store on Wednesday March 9th to celebrate their fifth anniversary at the Ludlow Community Center. The store will be open for its normal hours from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 pm with special activities, including something special for the kids, hourly events, scavenger hunts, door prizes, special sales and tours of the food shelf.  As a non-profit community organization, BRGNS provides confidential, temporary food, clothing and financial assistance to those in need, to help them return to self-sufficiency. BRGNS serves the towns of Ludlow, Cavendish, Mount Holly and Plymouth. They are always in need of volunteer help so if you have a few hours to donate, please call Audrey at (802) 228-3663.
On March 4, 1791, Vermont became the 14th state. In 1777, Cavendish’s first settler John Coffeen was among the representatives and signers of Vermont’s Constitution. Meeting in Windsor, VT, the Constitution said that Vermont was an independent state and not part of New York or New Hampshire. Based on Pennsylvania’s 1776 Constitution, Vermont’s founding document had several radical innovations including a prohibition on slavery and universal manhood suffrage unencumbered by property qualifications. The Constitution also provided a mechanism for proposing amendments, if needed, every seven years. In 1793, the VT constitution was amended to reflect it’s joining the United States two years prior. This revised Constitution remains the core of the current Constitution.
There was considerable discussion at the School segment of Town Meeting about Act 46 and what it means for our town. Act 46 of 2016 Act 46 is designed to encourage and support local decisions and actions that: Provide substantial equity in the quality and variety of educational opportunities statewide; Lead students to achieve or exceed the State’s Education Quality Standards, adopted as rules by the State Board of Education at the direction of the General Assembly; Maximize operational efficiencies through increased flexibility to manage, share, and transfer resources, with a goal of increasing the district-level ratio ofstudents to full-time equivalent staff;  Promote transparency and accountability; andAre delivered at a cost that parents, voters, and taxpayers value. Fact Sheet Department of Education
While the Department of Education has a webpage on Act 46, focus forums are being held to assist residents in understanding the intent of the legislation and how it will impact their community. To that end, a focus forum will be held on March 15 (Wednesday), 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Elementary School in Proctorsville. FMI: 802-226-7758
The Cavendish Baptist Church’s Helping Hand Class will once again be sponsoring the annual “Sugar-on-Snow Supper, March 12, from 5:30 to 7 pm at the Parish Hall, 2258 Main St., Cavendish. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-12 and under 6 are free. The menu, served buffet style, includes baked beans (sweetened with maple syrup), ham (raisin sauce available), squash, coleslaw, pickles, breads, homemade doughnuts, decaf coffee, tea, punch and of course sugar-on-snow. Take out meals available. FMI: 802-226-7724
March 4 (Friday)
: 225th Anniversary of VT Statehood
March 6 (Sunday): A Walk in the Woods (Dinner and a Movie) at the Cavendish Community Library, 1 pm
March 8 (Tuesday): Community Luncheon at Gethsemane Church, off Depot Street in Proctorsville at noon. Menu is New England Boiled Dinner. Suggested donation $4
March 9 (Wednesday): Celebrate Black River Good Neighbors 5th anniversary by stopping by the Thrift Store in Ludlow during normal store hours 10-4 for special treats and surprises.
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects March Calendar.