Cavendish Update 11/25/16 C.Guica/News/Events
/Carmine Guica in his younger days.
It is with deep sadness that we report the passing of WWII veteran and Cavendish Historian Guica on Nov. 23. More information about Carmine is available at the Cavendish Historical Society Blog. Our condolences to Carmine’s family, friends and to our town who lost a remarkable man. As funeral arrangements become available, they will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page.
11/27/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Welcomes the Holiday Season Dec. 3-4
3. Events
Cavendish’s ‘Abundance Swap’ a Black Friday Antidote: If you’re tired of all the Black Friday hype, a group in Cavendish is offering up an antidote: Cavendish Connects is sponsoring its third annual Abundance Swap on Saturday, Dec. 3. VPR
Test Show Many High School Students Aren’t on Track for College: Across the state, students in all grades who took standardized tests last spring had an easier time showing they were proficient in English than in math. In many Vermont high schools, students aren’t ready for college coursework in math, and some aren’t ready for college English either. VTDigger analyzed schools’ average scores to see where students are performing at the level set for proficiency. Younger students performed better than older students in math. Results were mixed between private and public schools in both English and math, and they were unrelated to the school’s price tag in high school. Thirty-six percent of all students attending Vermont colleges and universities have to take remedial courses to catch up. At the Community College of Vermont, 50 percent of Vermont students take at least one remedial course. Springfield High School and Black River High School were included in the eight high schools reporting SBAC scores that were so low that students won’t be ready for college math without “substantial support. However, both of these schools had more low-income students than the statewide average. VT Digger
Vermont’s Drought Explained: Rain and snow in the last three weeks have helped a bit, but low levels of precipitation from August through October have put much of Vermont in drought conditions. We get three different scientific perspectives on what drought means to Vermont's landscape and waterways. VPR
VT Sees One of the Lowest Rate Increases Under Obamacare: Vermont has one of the lowest increases in premium rates for policies sold under the Affordable Care Act, according to a new study from Kaiser Health News. In Vermont, the average premium is increasing by 5 percent. In comparison, rates in Arizona are going up by 145 percent; in Minnesota, the increase is 55 percent and in New York State the rate hike is 24 percent. VPR
2. CAVENDISH WELCOMES THE HOLIDAYS DEC 3-4" The holiday season is off to a great start with the various fun activities listed below for the weekend of Dec. 3-4 so plan to be part of the festivities.
3rd Annual Abundance Swap: Dec. 3 at Cavendish Town Elementary School
• Pick 3-5 items in your home, shop or office that someone would enjoy as a gift. These should be in really good shape and of quality, meaning it’s well made and likely to be valued by someone. Children are encouraged to bring gently used toys they may have outgrown or no longer use. Do not bring items that are damaged, broken or do not work.
• Bring them to the Cavendish Town Elementary School on Saturday morning, December 3, starting at 9:30 am.
• Drop off your items, enjoy a visit with your neighbors and the Cavendish Connects team, as well as share the stories of what you are bringing to the swap.
• From 10-11:30, select presents for someone on your holiday giving list (it can be you).
Note that copies of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Writer Who Changed History will be available for signing and for purchase. FMI 802-226-7807 or
14th Annual Holiday Fair: December 3 9am-3pm at the Proctorsville Fire Department MainSt. Proctorsville. Hosted by St James United Methodist Church and local nonprofits. Crafts, gifts, raffles, goodies, and lunch is available!
Indulgence Tour: Visit 11 local inns including Golden Stage and The Castle) on Dec. 3-4 sampling foods and other treats. Learn more and purchase tickets ($10 a piece) by going to the Indulgence Tour webpage or facebook sites
PVFD Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale: Dec 3rd , 4th, 10th and 11th9am – 4pm VT Grown Frasir Firs Trees start at $30; Wreaths are $15 Benefits the PFD Equipment Fund Free Coffee and Homade Doughnuts Dec 10th. On Saturday Dec 10th Santa will arrive by Fire truck to see the children at 10am-12 noon Proctorsville Jr Firefighters will also be collecting VT redeemable cans and bottles to be dropped off during the sale to benefit the Jr Firefighters program.
NOVEMBER 29 (Tuesday): Act 46 meeting, Chester-Andover Elementary School, 6:30 pm. Discuss the proposed changes to the Schools in the TRSU District, which includes Cavendish, Chester, Andover, Ludlow and Mt. Holly.