Cavendish Update 10/7/16 News/Columbus/Events


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 10/7/16 Cavendish Update

1. Cavendish Related News

2. Columbus Day/Cavendish Anniversary and the 1st People of Cavendish

3. Events



CHS October Briefs: The Cavendish Historical Society’s October “CHS Briefs” is available at the CHS blog. 

 McClellan Honored for Article Pertaining to Cavendish Water: John McClellan, vice president of Tighe & Bond, received the 2016 Past Presidents’ Award from the New England Water Works Assoc. (NEWWA). The award is presented to members of the association who authored the second-most-meritorious paper that appeared in the Journal of the New England Water Works Association during the previous year. McClellan was presented with this award for his article, “Biological Iron and Manganese Treatment: Five Years of Operating Experience in Cavendish, VT,” published December 2015. Business West 

Cavendish RREW12K Weekly Construction Update - 10/6/2016: The contractor has begun installing the final 4 soil nails. Shotcrete was to be applied on Oct 6 and should be completed on Oct. 7. The railroad ties and ballast are 80% complete and will be fully complete by next week. The roadway stone line ditch will be complete by the end of next week and the stone culvert will be flushed. The closure period will end on or near October 14th, and all project work will be complete by October 28th.  The project is located on Cavendish Gulf Road near Green Mountain Railroad Corporation milepost 21.059. The project work extends 100 feet along the railway embankment and Cavendish Gulf Road in Cavendish, VT.  FMI: 802-324-5522.

Indian Police Bust IRS Scam Center: Police in India have arrested 70 people on suspicion of posing as IRS agents to steal cash from U.S. citizens. Authorities in the western Indian city of Thane said they were investigating another 630 people suspected of being involved in the extortion scam. Workers at nine call centers allegedly impersonated IRS agents during calls to the U.S., according to local police commissioner Param Bir Singh. The victims were told they owed back taxes and would risk arrest if they hung up. Many people in Cavendish were targeted by this scam. CNN 


2. COLUMBUS DAY/CAVENDISH ANNIVERSARY & THE 1ST PEOPLE: Columbus Day has been celebrated on the second Monday of October for the last 82 years. Like many towns, Cavendish’s town office and schools will be closed.  However, there is a growing movement to abolish the holiday, replacing it with“Indigenous People’s Day,” thereby acknowledging and celebrating the millions of people who were already living in the Americas when Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean islands (Bahamas) on Oct. 12, 1492. While Columbus made four trips to the “new world,” exploring the Caribbean Islands, the Gulf of Mexico and the South and Central American main land, he never set foot on North America.

Who were the first peoples of Cavendish and where did they come from? What is known is that more than 11,000 years ago, after the ice age ended and the glaciers started receding, Paleo-Indian were in the Okemo Valley (Jackson Gore). Located between Lake Champlain (at one time the Sea of Champlain) and the Connecticut River, Cavendish was part of the Indian road that connected these two points. Archeological evidence indicates that there may have been an Archaic Indian village in Cavendish-dating back about 5,000 years. Learn more about Vermont’s First People.

For a long time it was believed that the first Americans came across the Bering Strait land bridge from Asia approximately 15,000 years ago using an “ice-free corridor.” However, two new studies refute that. In July, the journal Nature published Postglacial Viability and Colonization in North America’s Ice-Free Corridor, which shows that the corridor was incapable of sustaining human life until about 12,600 years ago. A second study, “Bison Phylogeography Constrains Dispersal and Viability of the Ice Free Corridor in Western Canada,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, estimates it closer to 13,000 years ago. Either way, the Americas were already settled by the time the land bridge would have been accessible for crossing. In fact, there is new evidence that there was human occupation in Florida 14,550 years ago. (Science Mag)

So how were the Americas populated? One theory is that the Indians migrated in boats down along the Pacific coast about 15,000 years ago. Regardless of DNA and archeological findings, what is clear is that Columbus did not “discover America.”

Interestingly, 269 years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean, on October 12, 1761 the charter for Cavendish was issued by New Hampshire and signed by King George III. While Cavendish celebrates its 255th birthday this year, keep in mind that this land has been occupied for thousands of years and that our “first people” were not the Coffeens.



OCTOBER 7 (Friday): Last Farmer’s Market 4-6:30 pm, Main St. Ludlow

 OCTOBER 9 (Sunday): Cavendish: Creepy, Eerie and Haunting Ghost Stories, Cavendish Historical Society Museum, (1958 Main St.) 2-4 pm

OCTOBER 10 (Monday): Columbus Day town office and schools closed.

OCTOBER 11 (Tuesday): Cavendish Select Board Monthly Meeting.

For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.