Cavendish Update 10/21/16 Halloween/News/Events
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10/21/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Halloween Activities
3. Mystery Cafe Quartet Opens Raise the Roof Concerts
4. BRGNS Stick Season Social Fundraiser
5. Got Yoga?
6. Events
Cavendish Select Board Meeting 10/17/16: At Monday’s select board meeting, after a continuation of the public hearing, the board voted to adopt the Cavendish Flood Hazard Area Regulations (FHAR). Also discussed was the hiring of a new town manager. Candidates are being interviewed this week and next but these meetings are generally done in executive session. Review of changes to proposed Policy on Objects Placed in the Town Highway Right-of-way and consider for approval as well as the follow-up on Town Employee Health Insurance Policy were tabled to another meeting. Select board meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television. Written minutes are available at the town’s website.
Local School Results of Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC): Test results for each school in the state were recently released by the Agency of Education. Last spring was the second time that the state’s students took the online SBAC tests, but the first year that scores will count. The test is given in math and English for students in grades 3-8 and grade 11. Proficiency at or above was as follows for Cavendish Town Elementary School (CTES) and Green Mountain Union High School (GM):
CTES English Math
3rd 45% 72%
4th 43% 81%
5th 71% 78%
6th 77% 72%
7th 62% 56%
8th 57% 53%
11th 53% 29%
Source: Vermont Digger
Black River Produce Sold to Midwest Food Giant: Reinhart Foodservice, the nation’s fifth largest distributor of food to restaurants and institutions with 29 warehouses in the east, midwest and south, announced that it has agreed to buy the brand names and distribution business of Springfield based Black River Produce. Some aspects of the business will remain under local ownership. Three-year old Precision Valley Food Specialties, which runs a meat packing operation in the former Ben & Jerry’s plant in North Springfield and the warehouse on River Street in Springfield will continue to be owned by the original partners in Black River Produce. The current owners Mark Curran and Steve Birge (Cavendish resident) will continue to stay on for the next two to four years. BRP was located in Proctorsville at one time and continues to be an employer for many in Cavendish. The transaction is expected to close on Oct. 24. Chester Telegraph Other stories Rutland Herald
Chester Jiffy Mart Re Opens in New Location: The Jiffy Mart at Main and Depot Streets in Chester is closed as the new location at Main and Pleasant is now open. The new store includes Subway and Ramunto’s pizza. The previous location will be sold.
Fish & Wildlife Confirm Canada Lynx in Londonderry: Vermont Fish and Wildlife confirmed a Canada lynx was caught on camera in southern Vermont this June. Lynx have been spotted in the Northeast Kingdom before, but this snapshot was taken in the backyard of a Londonderry home. A UVM student also set up a wildlife camera and found a photo of a lynx near Searsburg. Officials believe it's the same lynx in both sightings. WCAX
Turn in Unused or Expired Medications on Oct. 22: On Saturday from 10-2 unused or expired medication for safe disposal can be done locally at the Weathersfield Transfer Station (Route 106); Springfield Police Dept.; Ludlow Police Dept.; and Chester Police Dept. Note that Ludlow and Springfield Police Departments have permanent, year round medicine drop boxes. Needles are not accepted.
Candidates Guide: VT Digger Candidates Guide provides an opportunity for comparison of those running for statewide and local elected positions.
Shumlin Announces Opiate Prescription Limits: Wednesday, Governor Peter Shumlin, D-Vermont, and the health department announced a first-of-its-kind proposal to set opiate prescription limits saying it would make Vermont the "most restrictive state in the country" for getting drugs. Under the new rules, minor procedures would only receive 9 to 12 pills or about three days' worth of medication on the initial visit. Larger procedures would have no more than a seven-day supply. Doctors would be able to prescribe more later if it's needed. Chronic pain would be at the discretion of the prescribing physician. WCAX
2. CAVENDISH HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES: As can be seen by the list below, lots of Halloween fun in store for the entire community this year.
Oct. 29 (Saturday): Cavendish Town Elementary School PTO party 5-7 pm at the school
• Haunted Trail at Greven Field 6-9 pm. American Pie’s pizza truck will be on hand selling slices and raising funds for the skate board park. Please note that this is a scary haunted trail and not recommended for young children. Families can still enjoy the bonfire.
Oct. 30 (Sunday): 1st Annual Cavendish Pumpkin Carving Contest. Drop off carved pumpkins with a flameless candle at Jill’s Place (Cavendish General Store 1900 Main Street) by 5 pm. Community judging is from 5-6 pm with prizes awarded in the following categories: 5-11 years of age; 12-17 years of age; 18+ and family/team
Oct. 31 (Monday): Trunk or Treat at CTES. Trunk or Treating is a version of Trick or Treating - but instead of children going from door to door to collect candy; they go from trunk to trunk around the parking lot. Adults can participate by bringing their car, decorating the trunk with a theme and handing out candy. Please keep decorations kid-friendly – nothing too scary. Be as creative as you'd like – pick a theme from books, movies, games, hobbies, sports, history, or a friendly Halloween theme. There are lots of ideas online to start your brainstorming. You can even wear a costume to go with your theme! Remember to bring enough treats for approximately 200 kids! This event is sponsored by the Cavendish Baptist Church. Set up is 4:30 pm at the school parking lot. Trunk or Treat is from 5-7. FMI Call Amanda 226-8113
• Trick of Treating at the Proctorsville Fire Dept. 4:30-8:30
3. MYSTERY CAFE QUARTET OPENS RAISE THE ROOF CONCERTS: Fall is in the air and the Raise the Roof concert series is back! After a summer filled with sun and heat, it’s time to move indoors for live music in Proctorsville on October 30.
Accordionist Jeremiah McLane, fiddler Sarah Blair, guitarist Owen Marshall and piper and whistler Tim Cummings have joined forces to create an exciting new quartet that plays traditional music from France and the British Isles, as well as original compositions. Called Mystery Cafe, the dynamic foursome plays and sings music full of subtle changes in mood, interweaving songs and tunes with texture and dynamics that give the listener the impression they are four musicians with one mind. Their firm grounding in high energy traditional dance music, as well as haunting slow airs, combined with mastery of their instruments and innovative playing make for a musical experience filled with energy and spirit.
Mystery Cafe is led by accordionist Jeremiah McLane, whose lifetime of pursuing and performing music includes many genres: blues, jazz, folk, Celtic, French and Quebecois, enriched by studying African drumming, Indonesian gamelan and minimalist composers Steve Reich and Philip Glass. He founded two popular New England traditional bands, Clayfoot Strutters and Nightingale. His solo recording, Smile When You’re Ready, was nominated by National Public Radio as part of their “favorite picks” poll that asks listeners for songs that make them feel good.
Mystery Cafe will perform on Sunday October 30 at 4:00 p.m. at Gethsemane Church on Depot St. in Proctorsville. The little church, know for its big acoustics, is an intimate venue. Admission is $10 at the door.
4. BRGNS TO HOLD ANNUAL STICK SEASON SOCIAL: Black River Good Neighbor Services is holding its seventh annual Stick Season Social at Sam’s Steakhouse in Ludlow on Saturday, November 5th. The silent auction and the bar open at 6:00 p.m., dinner starts at 6:45. “Stick Season is that time between fall leaves and winter snow with no free concerts and not much to do, so it’s a great time to party,” said Peter LaBelle, President of BRGNS. “This is our major fund raiser of the year. It will help the BRGNS’ Food Shelf with program costs so it can continue to help local people in need of food, rent, utilities and heat assistance.”
This year BRGNS welcomes Imerys Talc Vermont and Vermont Properties and Development as major sponsors of the event.
In addition to dinner, the evening will include a cash bar, a terrific silent auction, and lots of raffle items and door prizes donated by the community. Sam’s has planned a full buffet including its signature salad bar and a variety of entrées and desserts.
Tickets are $55 per person, including dinner, gratuities and tax and can be purchased at the BRGNS Thrift Store, Peoples United Bank, the Book Nook, and The Wine & Cheese Depot, all located in Ludlow. Or, and this is the really easy way to buy, you may purchase tickets on line. Please call 802-228-3663 with any questions. Tickets must be purchased in advance and seating is limited. BRGNS is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
5. GOT YOGA?: Join Liza Eaton's Kundalini Yoga Series "Radiant Body ~ Peaceful Mind" beginning November 8th. This is an 8-week series held on Tuesday Mornings at 9:30-11am in the Parish Center of Gethsemane Church, Depot Street, Proctorsville. The 8-week series is $130.00. Or you may sign up for only November, or only December for $80 each. Sign by November 1 on the website or call Liza at 875-2868. E-mail:
OCTOBER 22 (Saturday): Safe Disposal of medications Day 10-2
• Winter Clothing Sports Sale 8-2 CTES multipurpose room Benefits CTES snow sports program. Cash only, everything less than $10.
• Roast Pork Supper at Cavendish Baptist Church 5:30-7:00
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.