Cavendish Update 1/8/16 News/Elections/Events/Textiles

This issue of the Cavendish Update has been made possible by donations from Charlotte LeClair, Chrisandra Burgess and Jon and Bev Owens. Thank you for your support.
1/8/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Town Elected Positions Open
3. Cavendish Textile Barn has Re opened
4. Texas Hold’em Tournament
5. Events
What You Need to Know About Cavendish & State Legislative Processes: January is an important month for citizens who want to help determine budgets and the direction of their state and town governments. A special handout has been prepared by Cavendish Connects to help people participate in this process at the town level as well as the state. What You Need to Know. 
Table 19 Moving to Cavendish: Expected to relocate at the intersections of 103 and 131, the former home of the Black River Brew Pub, by the end of February/beginning of March, Table 19 plans to offer a Tex/Asian cuisine. Follow their relocation progress at their website. 
Two Arrested in Slew of Burglaries: After an investigation, Springfield VT Police have a charged two Springfield residents with burglary. Police say Steven Miller 24, and a 17-year-old male were arrested for their involvement in the various crimes. The juvenile took part in two of the Downer’s Four Corners Store burglaries; the Rite-Aid burglary and the vandalism of Citizen’s Bank ATM. WNTK News
 Bensons Now Open in Ludlow: On the last day of 2015, the oldest family-owned Chevrolet dealer in the State of Vermont held it’s grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for their new facility in Ludlow. Vermont Journal
State Oks Canada to Ludlow Power Line: A 1,000-megawatt transmission line from Canada to Ludlow has received the final word from the state, which issued a certificate of public good Tuesday afternoon. The Public Service Board issued the certificate to TDI New England and its New England Clean Power Link Project. Times Argus
Mt. Ascutney Hospital Could Face Federal Sanctions: As a result of an unannounced visit by Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, patient care and restraint issues were found. The hospital was visited on Dec. 9 as a result of a complaint. Under the hospital's "plan of correction," which was sent to CMS in late December, nurses will be required to record when patients fall and compile quarterly and annual data. Hospital staff will also be trained to use less restrictive alternatives to restraint, and to record all incidences of restraint. CMS can still impose penalties if a follow-up visit finds the staff out of compliance with its plan of correction. VPR
Those who are interested in running for a town office must file a petition and have it signed by 11 registered Cavendish voters by the close of business on January 25 (Monday). Please stop by the town office if you are interested in filing or signing a petition.
The following positions are open for election for one year terms unless otherwise noted: Town and School Moderators; Town Agent; Auditors (one position each for 1, 2 and 3 year terms); Constable; Selectmen (2 one year terms and one two year term); Lister (one position for 2 years and one position for one year); Trustee of Public Funds; CTES School Directors (3 positions all for one year terms); GMUHS Director; Library Trustee (one position for one year and one position for 5 years); and Town Grand Juror. Please stop by or call the Town Office for more information-226-7292.
Learn more about Cavendish and the state legislative processes, including Town Meeting, which take place the first quarter of every year.  What You Need to Know About Cavendish & State Legislative Processes. 
Thanks to a new contract, arranged by the Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste District, the Cavendish Transfer Station’s Textile Barn is once again open to take the following:
• Bagged, Clean and Dry Clothing:  all types, including ripped, stained, and out-of-fashion
 • Shoes - bagged separately from clothing
 • Bagged, Clean and Dry Linens: blankets, sheets, towels, curtains (including ripped or stained)
 • Belts, Purses, Hats, Mittens, Coats, Socks
 • Stuffed Animals
A Texas Hold'em Tournament will be held on January 16, 2016, 12:30 pm at the Proctorsville Fire Station, Main St.  Buy in is $75 and re-buys are available.  Pay out will be based on the number of players.  Food concession will be available.   Sponsored by Gethsemane Church, Proctorsville.  Registration begins at 11:30am.
FMI: Mary Springer at 802-484-7431 or
January 11 (Monday): 
Monthly Select Board Meeting. Agenda posted to The Dish when available.
January 16 (Saturday): Texas Hold’em Tournament
For more information on this and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects January Calendar.   For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.