Cavendish Update 1/15/16 Telecommunications/SB/News/Events
/This issue of the Cavendish Update has been made possible by a donation from Gary McElligott. Thank you for your support.
1/15/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Sign Up Now for Town Positions
4. Cavendish Telecommunications Update
5. Warning for the Annual Meeting of Cavendish Fire District 2
6. Raise the Roof Concert: Atlantic Crossing
7. Events
Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television. Written minutes are available at the town’s website. The following was discussed at Monday night’s meeting:
• Green Mountain Railroad Trestle: Construction on the embankment will take place in late June/July and will require the Cavendish Gulf Road to be closed for two weeks with a 72-hour period where the railroad will be shut down. It is possible that the Gulf Rd will be open at night. Signage will appear well in advance of the construction to give people ample time to prepare.
• Vermont Clean Water Act (Act 64): Jason Rasmussen of the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission (SWCRPC) spoke to the board about the impact on towns of Vermont’s new Clean Water Act, which was signed into law this past June.
• Windsor County Youth Services: Tara Chase spoke to the board about the Girls Shelter at 20 Mile Stream as part of the Select Board’s budgetary process.
A report on the meeting is available at The Dish.
• Ice Skating Rink Now Open at Greven Field: The ice skating rink is open for the community’s enjoyment at Greven Field in Proctorsville and will operate as long as conditions hold. Hockey sticks, skates and other equipment are in the Snack Shack for public use. Please return when done. Shovels are also nearby to help keep the rink clean. FMI: Terry O’Brien 802-226-7289
• Proctorsville Woman Escapes Furlough: According to VT Dept. of Corrections, on Jan. 8, Krystal Pelkey, 29, did not return home and police have not been able to locate her. Pelkey was listed by authorities as having escaped from furlough on Thursday, Jan. 14 at 3 p.m. Pelkey had been serving time for the sale of cocaine, possession of cocaine and retail theft for less than $900. Pelkey is described as being a white female standing 5-feet-2-inches tall and 190 pounds with strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Her last known address was 144 Greven Road, Proctorsville, Vermont. Those with information on Pelkey's whereabouts should call (802) 885-8889.
• Suspect Arraigned in Store Robberies: More details are coming to light about Joshua Corliss who robbed the Cavendish General Store and the North Springfield Irving gas station on the same day. Detectives said Corliss suffered a 2-inch cut on his forearm when the co-owner of the Cavendish store struck him with a machete. He continues to be held in pre-trial detention for lack of $50,000 bail. Vermont State Police Detective Sgt. Brian Berry wrote in his report that Corliss’ ex-girlfriend described him as “white in the face” when he returned her car midafternoon that Monday, and she said he had an arm injury that he refused to explain, saying she “didn’t need to know.” Rutland Herald
* New Food Shelf Administrator at BRGN: Black River Good Neighbor Services (BRGN) is pleased to announce that Krey Kellington is the new Program Administrator in charge of the food shelf and related programs. Most recently Kellington was a Housing/Property Manager for the Housing Trust of Rutland County. Stop by BRGN, 37B Main Street to meet Kellington. FMI: (802) 228-3663.
• Universal Cell Service in VT Elusive: Just one new tower can make a world of difference in towns that have sketchy service, but there’s no way to force service providers to invest in those areas. At this point, it appears there’s not much hope for truly “universal” cell coverage in the Green Mountain State. Vermont Digger
With the return of petitions for Town elected positions due by the close of business on Jan. 25, anyone interested in an elected office, should pick up their application from the town office as soon as possible. Currently, only four petitions have been filed. The following positions are open for election for one year terms unless otherwise noted: Town and School Moderators; Town Agent; Auditors (one position each for 1, 2 and 3 year terms); Constable; Selectmen (2 one year terms and one two year term); Lister (one position for 2 years and one position for one year); Trustee of Public Funds; CTES School Directors (3 positions all for one year terms); GMUHS Director; Library Trustee (one position for one year and one position for 5 years); and Town Grand Juror.
Please stop by or call the Town Office for more information-226-7292 keeping in mind that Monday, Jan. 18 is Martin Luther King’s Day and the office will be closed.
In late October, TDS representatives informed the Telecommunications Committee that a 10 G “ring” would be installed for those being served from the Proctorsville Central Office (PCO)-Main Street. This is a Calix E7 fiber system, similar to the one being used in NH, where 1 G service is now available to homes. The installation was scheduled to take place in November, and while there was no guarantee, it was anticipated that those along the “spur lines” e.g. Twenty Mile Stream, Chubb Hill, Center Rd, would see improvement in service.
A recent conversation with the TDS representative confirmed that the 10 G Ring has been installed but is not operational. Prior to its coming on-line two new boxes need to be installed at the junctions of the Cavendish Pointe Hotel and Twenty Mile Stream/Chapman Rd. This will considerably upgrade speeds in these areas. Expect to see increase in DSL speeds by April 1.
Fire District 2 (Cavendish) will meet on Tuesday, February 16, at the Cavendish Town Office at 7:30 to act on the following warning.
• To hear and act on the Auditors Report
• To choose and elect officers: All are for one year terms with the exception of a three year term for a Prudential Committee Member, Moderator, Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, and Auditor
• To see if the voters will vote to raise money and what amount for the purpose of defraying expenses for FY 2016/2017
• To see if the voters will vote to approve sending postcards to the Citizens of District #2 directing them to a web site set up to display the annual report.
For nearly two decades, the Vermont band Atlantic Crossing has been thrilling concert audiences and contra-dancers with traditional songs and acoustic instrumental music from New England--music which has deep Celtic roots in the British Isles and in French & Maritime Canada--together with original compositions inspired by these traditions. On Sunday January 31 they will perform in Proctorsville’s Raise the Roof Concert Series at Gethsemane Church. The high spirited quartet, popular in the Vermont acoustic music scene, willfill the rafters of the acoustically perfect little church with their livelymix oftunes that get toes tapping and hands clapping. Between them they play fiddle, guitar, mandolin, banjo, bouzouki, foot percussion and African djembe drum. Their concert will be a great way to spend a winter afternoon. Gethsemane Church is on Depot Street, the music begins at 4:00 and admission is $10 at the door. And don't forget to take the quick Rte. 103 detour into downtown Proctorsville to get to Depot Street!
January 16 (Saturday): Texas Hold’em Tournament
January 18 (Monday): Martin Luther King Day. Town Office and schools closed
January 19 (Tuesday): Teacher in-service no school
For more information on this and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects January Calendar. For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.