Cavendish Update 5/22/15 News/Legislation/Events


1. Cavendish Related News
2. 5TH Annual Town Wide Tag Sale Reminder
3. Tiemann’s Cavendish Memoirs Chapter 12/1930s Merchants
4. Free Financial Health Workshops
5. Red Sox Raffle Tickets
6. Events
• New Hours for Proctorsville Post Office: Starting last week, new hours for window service at the Proctorsville Post Office are now Monday through Friday, 7-10 and 11-2. Saturday’s hours are 7:30-10. Boxes are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  Cavendish Garage Sale Facebook Page: Have something to sell or just wanting to browse? The Cavendish Garage Sale Facebook page is now open to the public. While only Facebook users can post, anyone can browse the site. 
Cavendish Businesses and Organizations on Facebook: To make it easier to follow local businesses and organizations, Cavendish Connects has compiled a list ofFacebook pages.  If you have a page you would like included, please Note that pages not maintained do not appear on the list.
Cavendish Historical Society Spring Newsletter now available on-line: The Scribbler II, the newsletter of the Cavendish Historical Society, is now available at theCHS blog
Proctorsville Fire Department Receives FEMA Grant: Chief Bob Glidden has received confirmation from FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant that PFD has been awarded our request for $75,000 to purchase 8 new MSA air packs with 8 spare bottles, an MSA Thermal Imaging Camera and some new TFT nozzles. All new equipment purchased will be replacing out dated equipment. 
Solarize Makes $en$e has picked Catamount Solar and Integrity Energy  Installer: Cavendish is part of the Solarize Makes Sense program, which hopes to double the number of homes with solar.  Both companies were founded in 2011 by Vermonters with well over 50 years of collective experience in the Vermont solar industry. Catamount and Integrity have a strong history of collaboration and are joining forces to support our Solarize program. Doc Babley, who lives in Strafford, will be doing most of the site visits and will be available for questions at the upcoming launch event on June 6FMI

 BRAT Turns 15: The Black River Action Team turns 15 this year and has 15 projects in the works, a number of which impact Cavendish. Learn more about these activities at their website.
Rutland Regional Medical Center Ranked Among the top 40 Hospitals in the US: According to U.S. News and World Report, Rutland Regional Medical Center (RRMC) is among the best hospitals in the nation for providing what’s known as common care. The report analyzed three common surgeries — hip replacement, knee replacement and heart bypass surgery. It also analyzed two widespread chronic conditions — congestive heart failure and the lung ailment known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. RRMI ranked 36th as it does not provide by pass surgery. VPR
Legislation Passed During the VT 2015 Session: The Vermont General Assembly closed on Saturday May 16. A difficult session in many ways, new laws include: gun restrictions; tax on soda; philosophy exemption on vaccines removed; changes in child protection law that puts the focus on child safety and less on family unity. For a more in-depth report, go to The Dish
How to Prevent Ticks in the Yard: Learn how to create a tick safe zone to reduce ticks in your yard. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Click it or Ticket Starts This Week in Vermont: The Vermont State Police is partnering with other state and local agencies to promote seat belt use and awareness. Lieutenant Garry Scott, the Commander of the Vermont State Police Traffic Unit is supervising the extra state troopers patrolling the interstates and other roads. Lt. Scott asks motorists to, “Slow down, drive with common sense, leave early for your destination so you don’t have to rush, don’t drive if you are impaired, and please buckle up.”
Vermonters Seniors Healthiest in Nation: Compiled by the United Health Foundation, which looked at behaviors, community and environment, policy, clinical care and outcomes, Vermont topped the list, with NH ranking second.  Vermont's strengths include low intensive care unit use and ready availability of home-delivered meals. 
Gardening season is finally here. Have extra supplies you don’t need? Add it to the various items from your spring-cleaning for the 5th Annual Cavendish Town Wide TagSale, which will be held on July 25 (Saturday) from 9 – 3 pm.  Sponsored by Cavendish Connects, if you wish to register for space at either of the  Village Greens, or have your site listed on the vendor list (print and on-line) send an e-mail or call 802-226-7807. Please note that the more information on sale items you provide, the more shoppers you will attract.
For more information and to see who has already registered, go to 5th Annual Town Wide Tag Sale. 
As the serialization of Phillip Tiemann’s Memoirs continues at the Cavendish Historical Society blog, Chapter 12 describes one of the harshest winters in Vermont’s history 1933-34. CHS’s bonus feature is an excerpt from “Chubb Hill Farm and Cavendish, Vermont,” which includes the merchants that operated in Cavendish during the 1930s.
To read the prelude and other chapters of Tiemann’s Memoirs go to Coming to Vermont (Cavendish): Memoirs of Philip Tiemann .
Dealing with money is a source of stress for many people.  Gethsemane Church on Depot Street in Proctorsville is offering a free series of Financial Health Workshops on Wednesday evenings in June 6:00-7:30pm.  Participants will receive a copy of the "Three Simple Rules" manual and will be given practical advice about ways to manage money, become more financially independent, and avoid financial problems in the future.  The workshops are especially appropriate for young adults but everyone is welcome.  A free dinner is included.  To register or get more information please email or leave a message at 802-226-7967. Follow Gethsemane on Facebook  and/or on their event page . 
A pair of Red Sox tickets for $5?  They could be yours if you're one of  the winners of Gethsemane Church's Red Sox Raffle.  Tickets are on sale now for the July 8 drawing.  Two winners will receive a pair of grandstand tickets to watch the Red Sox play at Fenway Park (either against Tampa Bay on July 31 or Kansas City on August 22).  Proceeds support heating and maintenance costs for the church building, which is home to many community events including Al Anon, the Proctorsville Playgroup, community lunches, a spirituality group, Raise the Roof Concerts and more.  To purchase a ticket contact or leave a message at 802-226-7967.
Memorial Day weekend! The official start of summer and the opening of Vermont Parks for the summer season as well as the annual Vermont Open Studio Tour. Fletcher Farm is one of the tour sites. On. Saturday-
7 am: Spreading wood chips at CTES playground. Bring a rake. Grab a free slice of American Pie Pizza when you are done. Many hands make light work!
9a m :St. James Methodist Church bake sale in front of Singleton’s.
10 am: 3rd Annual SoVermont-Home, Garden & Recreation Show, Ludlow Community Center. Proctorsville Julie-Lynn Wood will be running a beekeeping workshop at noon.
To learn more about these and other events go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar.  For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.