Select Board Agenda 4/13/15

The monthly Cavendish Select Board Meeting will be held on Monday, April 13, 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. The Agenda will be as follows:

1. Call the Meeting to Order

2. Act upon minutes of the meetings of March 9th, 2015

3. Sign Orders

4. Review Correspondence

5. Adjust agenda

6. Hear Citizens

7. Katherine Otto of the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission will be present to share the report and summary findings of the Cavendish Bridge and Culvert Inventory work which is now complete.

8. Town Manager to discuss the submission of the Annual Town Highway Financial Plan which needs to be signed and submitted to the Agency of Transportation.

9. Town Manager to present Town Treasurer’s request for the Select Board to sign resolutions for two new bank accounts.

10. As Local Liquor Control Board, review of Liquor License application for Williams’ Country Store.

11. Town Manager to review Cavendish Local Basic Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) annual update with the Select Board.

12. Updates on Energy Committee activities including the ribbon cutting event on the solar project and the Solarize Program (in partnership with Reading, Windsor, Weathersfield and Brownsville).

13. Update on Davis Road bridge project

14. Discuss update of Cavendish All Hazards Mitigation Plan

15. Discuss dates for forthcoming VELCO Connecticut Valley Transmission Line Project presentation and Alternatives Presentation by Vtrans regarding Bridge #58 on Depot Street

16. Update on various town activities including spring roads, quarterly budget report, cemetery operations, recent water system boil notice, forthcoming activities, ERP program activities, recreation activities, transfer station activities, etc.

17. Town Manager to discuss plans for the hiring of an assistant to work with him in several areas including, but not limited to: cemetery supervision, transfer station administration, project and program development and supervision, grant applications, grant administration, wrapping up remaining Irene recovery activities.

18. Other business

19. Adjourn