Cavendish Select Board Mtg 3/9/15 Agenda
/The Cavendish Select Board will meet on Monday, March 9, 6:30 at the Cavendish Town Office. The agenda will be as follows:
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Welcome and Introduction of new selectman
3. Conduct Annual Board of Selectmen Organizational Meeting including discussion of recent election results and Town posts which remain vacant.
4. Act upon minutes of the meetings of February 9th, 2015 and February 24th, 2015.
5. Sign Orders
6. Review Correspondence
7. Adjust agenda
8. Hear Citizens
9. Presentation of Citizenship Award (from Town Meeting) to Sara, Rhyan, Shannon & Chad Devereau and Brad Frye for their efforts in spearheading the playground restoration project in 2014.
10. Representatives of the committee formed to develop plans for the property at 601 Main Street (next to the school) present to review draft plans with the Select Board.
11. Update on Energy Committee activities and discussion of Cavendish participation in Solarize Upper Valley program in partnership with Reading, Windsor and Weathersfield.
12. Steve Ewald of the Recreation Committee present to discuss several recreation related items with the board.
13. Update on various town activities
14. Other business
15. Adjourn