Cavendish Update 11/20/15 News/Fire District 2/Events

View from where the Cavendish Train Depot once stood.

View from where the Cavendish Train Depot once stood.


11/20/15 Cavendish Update Contains:
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Tree Lighting and Caroling Return to Cavendish
3. Little Village Farm Announces New Format for Shareholders
4. Events
Fire District # 2 (Cavendish Village) Informational Meeting 11/16/15 : The purpose of Monday night’s meeting was to provide information to the voters of Fire District #2 regarding the purchase of a new Rescue Pumper (approximately $500,000). A well attended meeting, lasting over two hours, the Prudential board and members of the Cavendish Volunteer Fire Dept. (CVFD) explained that due to age and reliability, the proposed truck would replace the department’s 1996 Engine 3 and the 1993 Rescue truck. While gratitude and respect for the work of the firefighters was expressed, there were over riding concerns about need and a number of people wanted to know why the town of Cavendish didn’t have one fire district, an issue discussed at length in 2005. The doubling of fire taxes for District #2 was viewed as prohibitive and ultimately those in attendance voted not to ballot on the truck purchase that had been scheduled for Nov. 24. A full report on the meeting, is available at The Dish.  For more information on the histories of the Fire Districts as well as what took place in 2005, when the issue of merging fire districts was discussed, see the Cavendish Historical Society’s blog post Town of Cavendish Fire Districts History. 
GMP Maps Solar Energy in VT: Green Mountain Power has created a 2015 Solar Map, which is updated weekly to show where solar is powering Vermont. “The goal of the map is to show developers and Vermonters where there are projects both connected and applied for that may limit the ability of additional projects.” Green Mountain Power released this information on the heels of announcing it will reach its net-metering cap in November or December. That means the utility will be legally allowed to reject net-metered energy, such as from home solar arrays. However, the company still plans to accept some projects, such as rooftop solar arrays. VT Digger
GMP Seeks to Raise Net Metering Capacity: Green Mountain Power is asking the state to raise the amount of renewable energy it can purchase from small, non-commercial installations. The utility announced last week that it reached its 112-megawatt net metering cap for solar power, a limit defined as 15 percent of a utility’s peak load. Green Mountain Power has asked state regulators for permission to buy an additional 7.5 megawatts (MW) of net metered solar power. VT Digger
Health Care Costs Push Vermont Schools Over New Spending Cap: Schools are facing a 7.9 percent increase in health insurance costs for employees, and local officials say that will push most districts over a spending cap lawmakers put in place last spring. The spending cap, or the so-called “allowable growth percentage,” is designed to hold increases in statewide education spending at 2 percent in fiscal year 2017. The cap is part of Act 46, the controversial education reform law that is driving district merger discussions in communities across the state. VT Digger
On Sunday, December 6 at 6 pm, the Cavendish Town Elementary School PTO and the Okemo Valley Women’s Club will be jointly sponsoring a caroling and tree lighting at the Gazebo/tree on the Proctorsville Green.  This will be following by hot chocolate and Christmas cookies.
3. NEW FOMAT FOR LITTLE VILLAGE FARM SHAREHOLDERS: Do You Love Local, Fresh, Organic Produce? Do You Wish You Could Save up to 50% off Farmer’s Market Pricing? Cavendish’s only CSA, Little Village Farm is excited to announce a new format for shareholders as they enter their 7th year of farming! Sign up now online or download and print the 2016 debit-style CSA form. Choose your savings tier and 'shop' the farm stand weekly with 20-50% off retail pricing! Pay in full before December 31st, 2015 and receive 25% off all non-produce items for the entire season. FMI: Little Village Farm
Upcoming events for Cavendish include:
• Nov.20-22 (Friday-Sunday): Ski Swap to Benefit OMS at Okemo Base Lodge.
• Nov. 20 (Friday): CTES PTO Pie sale at Singleton’s and the Brew Pub in Ludlow 3:30-7PM
• Nov. 21 (Saturday): Holy Name of Mary Holiday Sale, Parish Hall
• Nov. 22 (Sunday): Raise the Roof Concert with House Blend, 4 pm Gethsemane
• Nov 25 (Wednesday): Okemo Valley Women's Club Pie and Bake sale 10-2 pm Singleton’s
• Nov. 26 (Thursday): Happy Thanksgiving
For more information on these and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects November Calendar.  For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.