Cavendish Update 11/13/15 SB Mtg/10G vs 4G/Events
/11/13/15 11/13/15 Cavendish Update Contains:
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting 11/9/15
2. Cavendish Related News
3. 4G Cell Phone Vs 10G Internet
4. Raising the Roof in Song
5. Holy Name of Mary Winter Berry, Food & Holiday Sale
6. Events
Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television. Written minutes are available at the town’s website. The following was discussed at Monday night’s meeting:
• Snow mobile trail crossings for 2015/2016 season approved
• Cavendish Telecommunications Committee Update: TDS to establish 10 G Ring. The state’s now considering Cavendish as an underserved area and interested in the town being part of a pilot project to improve Internet connectivity.
• Transfer Station no longer receives reimbursement for E-waste but doesn’t have to pay for its removal. Metal hauler requires all scrap to be free of mercury. This change may require an additional attendant.
• Cemetery regulations are under review by the Select Board, the first since the 1980s. Reflect conservation of green space as well as a pricing structure to better provide a means of making the cemeteries self-sustaining.
• Flood Hazard Regulations: Presented at the Oct SB meeting by the Planning Commission, the board voted to meet separately to review for adoption.
• Other Town Issues: Within the next two weeks, the following areas will have late season paving-bottom ofBonts Hill , High St by the Town Office, and a patch at the Transfer Station.
- Animal Control Officers will now have badges and be able to write municipal tickets for those in violation of the dog ordinance
- Interviews are underway with four viable candidates for water/wastewater assistant operator
- While the Cavendish Gulf Road was open this past weekend; it is currently closed while the culvert repair is being completed. This is on the Chester side.
- Still awaiting the report about the safety of the Depot Street bridge to determine if and when the bridge may need to be closed for the winter.
A full report on the Select Board meeting is available at The Dish.
Respite Care Funding from Senior Solutions: Does your loved one have a diagnosis of dementia? As a caregiver, are you finding it difficult to meet your own needs while caring for your loved one? Senior Solutions (Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont) has respite funding available through the Dementia Respite Grant. This grant, funded by the State of Vermont, supports paid respite opportunities for primary, unpaid caregivers in Windsor and Windham counties. The elder’s income eligibility limit is $2,917.00 per month for an individual or $3,932.00 per month for a couple. FMI: Senior Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 and ask to speak to our Grant Manager.
GMP Poised to Top Net Metering Cap: Green Mountain Power says it has 52 megawatts of net-metered solar already built in its territory and has another 54 megawatts of net-metered solar in its queue. That amount of solar will put the company over its net-metering cap either in November or December. Reaching the cap means it no longer has to buy any renewable energy, including solar power, from them or do so at an increased rate. The company will file documents with state regulators on Friday to propose to extend net metering for households anyway. VT Digger
There is some confusion about 4G for cell phones versus 1G or 10G for Internet speeds. The term 4G stands for 'fourth generation' and refers to mobile network technology. The 10G that is being planned for TDS's Internet backbone for the Cavendish area refers to capacity-10 gigabits per second. Currently, the highest capacity TDS offers in the area (and not for all customers) is 15 Mbgs (Megabyte). There are 1,024 Mbgs in one gigabite.
If you like the idea of a musical cup of coffee, you will love the next concert in the Raise the Roof music series in Proctorsville on Sunday November 22. The spirited acapella group, House Blend, will fill the Gethsemane Episcopal Church with music from around the world that is spiced with energy, humor and a passion for singing. House Blend is an assemblage of twenty performers who are self-proclaimed singing addicts whose repertoire includes gospel, village music from Africa and Eastern Europe, Renaissance madrigals, Bach, contemporary music---and anything else the group chooses to add to the mix. The crisp acoustics in the 1890 Carpenter Gothic church, combined with their powerful voices, will create an eclectic, infectious harmonious brew of music that will raise the roof and fill your cup to the brim. The concert will be at 4:00 at Gethsemane Church on Depot St. in Proctorsville (next to Crows Corner Cafe). Your admission of $10.00 at the door will help Raise the Roof Concert Series to continue bring fresh live music to the local community at an affordable price. And what a great way to spend a late November afternoon.
On Saturday, November 21, 2015, the Holy Name of Mary Church Altar Society is having a Winter Berry, Food, Handmade Crafts, and Holiday Items sale. The sale will be from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the church hall on 803 Main Street in Proctorsville. There will be homemade jams, baked goods, beans, candy, etc. as well as beautiful bunches of winter berries for decorating, knitted & crocheted items, holiday items, and much more. Come and pick up some special treats!
Upcoming events for Cavendish include:
• Nov. 13 (Friday): Turkey Bingo at Cavendish Town Elementary School, 6-8 pm
• Nov 14 (Saturday): Christmas Sale at the Cavendish Baptist Church
• Nov. 16 (Monday): Public Information Meeting for Fire District #2 (Cavendish Village) regarding purchase of a truck
- Public information meeting on the Coolidge Solar Power Project (Barker Farm), 7 pm at the Ludlow Town Hall at 37 Depot St.
For more information on this and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects November Calendar. For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.