Articles for Cavendish Town Meeting

On Monday, Jan. 26, the Cavendish Select Board finalized the warnings for March 3 Cavendish Town Meeting. The first three articles are similar to previous years -election of town officers; acceptance of the 2014 Town Report and tax collection policies. Articles 6 and 7 are also similar: adopt the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Budget and to transact any other business.

Articles 4 and 5 read as follows:

Article 4: To see if the voters of the Town of Cavendish, in accordance with 18 V.S.A 5381, will approve of taking the town's burial grounds out of the charge of the board of cemetery commissioners and place same under the charge of the selectmen? An affirmative note on this article shall cause the office of the Cavendish cemetery commissioners to terminate. Note that of the three commissioner positions open for election this year, only one person-Norma Randall-applied for the five year term. 

Article 5: To see if the voters of the Town of Cavendish will approve the amount of $18,069, a surplus from Fiscal Year 2013-2014, be used as follows: $18,069 to reduce the amount needed to be raised by taxes for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Selectmen's Budget?