Cavendish Select Board Meeting Agenda, 5/12/14
/Selectmen’s Meeting, Monday, May 12th, 2014 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room at 6:30 pm The agenda will be as follows:
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Tim Morton, Stewardship Forester to conduct a public meeting with the Select Board and citizens for the purpose of discussing the Long Range Management Plan addendum for the Knapp Brook Widlife Management Area “Compartment 5." The presentation will include a slideshow which outlines the natural resources and proposed future management of the area. The public is asked for input. This presentation should last about one hour.
3. Act upon minutes of the meetings of April 14th, 2014.
4. Sign Orders
5. Review Correspondence
6. Adjust agenda
7. Hear Citizens
8. Continue discussion on Capital Budget and Program draft. At the 4-14-14 meeting it was decided to continue discussion tonight as some of the board members wanted the opportunity to re-read the draft. It is anticipated that the board will consider establishing a date for a public hearing on the Capital Budget and program.
9. Follow-up on item #3 of the May 5th meeting regarding the property located at 601 Main Street in Proctorsville. Town Manager to describe recent activities relating to this matter and to request that the Board of Selectmen establish a date for and warn a special town meeting for the purpose of seeing if the voters will approve of purchase of the property.
10. Update on activities on the replacement of bridge #37, the Davis Road bridge including bid opening and SB review of the bids for award.
11. Discussion on replacement of bridge #27 on Brook Road.
12. Wendy Regier to discuss her plan to formally report to the Select Board each month on the activities of the Planning Commission to ensure a dialogue between the two boards.
13. Board to discuss an organizational structure for the recreation department
14. Town Manager to update the Board on various town activities
15. Other business
16. Adjourn