When: April 25 (Tuesday); 6:30 pm
Where: Cavendish Town Elementary School
Description: In response to Act 46, the legal voters of the Cavendish Town School District are warned about a special vote on May 2, at CTES between the hours of 9 am and 7 pm to decide if they wish Cavendish to be part of the Green Mountain Unified School District with Andover, Chester and Baltimore. Cavendish students would continue to go to CTES and GMUHS. The changes would be as follows:
• One 11 member school board would serve for all schools. The composition of the board would be as follows: Andover-1; Baltimore-1; Cavendish-3; Chester-6
• The unified union school would assume the indebtedness of member districts and assume all operating deficits and/or surpluses or reserve funds of the member districts; acquire and pay for the school properties of member districts.
• The provisions of the Final approved by the State Board of Education on March 21, 2017, is on file in the Cavendish Town Office, shall govern the unified union school district.
Article II of the Warning is the election of three school directors to serve on the board of the proposed unified union school district.
The legal notice is available at The Vermont Journal.