When: Feb. 6 (Saturday), 5 pm
Where: Gethsemane Church, off Depot Street Proctorsville
Description: The members of Gethsemane Church in Proctorsville invite you to join them on a learning trip to El Salvador this coming April 16-23. Already 10 members and friends of Gethsemane are making plans to travel to Central America and participate in an interactive experience organized by Foundation Cristosal. This is not a work project but a listening and learning project in which participants will visit and have discussions with citizens of El Salvador, learn about their history and current situation, build relationships and engage in dialogue.
The group will be multi-generational (from teenagers to older adults) and will stay in guesthouse accommodations in the capital city San Salvador while making field trips to many parts of the country. No knowledge of Spanish is necessary. You can read more details on the Episcopal Church in Vermont website.
There will be a potluck supper and discussion for anyone who is interested on Saturday, February 6 at 5pm in the Gethsemane Church parish hall on Depot Street in Proctorsville.
FMI: Rev. Todd McKee at GethsemaneChurchVT@gmail.com or 603-667-5458.